Monday, March 30, 2009

Why Smoothie is good for you?

Fresh made smoothies provide an excellent source of bio-available vitamins and minerals which partner with enzymes and co-enzymes.

Vitamins activate enzymes.

Without the vitamins they simply cannot work the way they're intended.

Enzymes are essential for absorbing, digesting and converting food.

Enzymes produce energy at the cellular level and are critical for most of the metabolic activities taking place in your body.

Your body can absorb more of the vitamins and minerals than if you ate the fruits and vegetables whole.

Many of the nutrients are stuck in the fiber and by blending fruits and vegetables, you break down the fiber and release the vital nutrients into a form your body can more easily use.

Not to mention they taste great and are refreshing and have their own benefits, and
kids are more likely to drink these than to sit down and actually consume the amounts of fruits and/or vegetables they should.

Information source: Extracted from in an artilcle 'Smoothies: Why They're Good for You and Numerous Recipes' by Tara Burner

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