Monday, March 30, 2009

Smoothie: Apple + Orange + Cold water recipe for Latte

At about 0730 pm on 2009-03-30 (Mon), I made my smoothie with the following:

(a) 1 Apple without skin and seeds = 120g
(b) 1 peeled orange = 100g
(c) Cold water = 100 ml

Method: Use Smoothie Function of Philips Blender HR 2094 3 times for about 20 seconds each time with a 5-second break in between.

Basic information of the product

Energy = about 100.4 kcal

Dietary Fiber = about 3.96g

Quantity = About 240 ml

No. of Serves = 1 ( 240 ml each )

Taster: Latte

Verdict: OK for Latte

Note: According to most information sources, apples and oranges are considered as alkaline foods.

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