Sunday, May 31, 2009


Some doctors say "NO CURE FOR ECZEMA". But is it true? I came across the wesbsite which may be useful for people suffering from eczema. Based on my own experience, eczema can be cured by healthy and mainly vegetarian diet and dietary supplements like multivitamins, Vitamin C, etc.

The following is the welcome message at the site by Donia:

Welcome to my (Donia's) Eczema Natural Healing website! If you are looking for a natural healing approach for eczema, you've come to the right website. The pictures you are looking at are my photos. I suffered from eczema ever since I was a child and today I'm eczema free.

My goal in setting up this website is to inspire, empower and support every single individual suffering from eczema to have the kind of success and healing results that I experienced by using a natural and holistic approach. Suffering from eczema is not your inescapable destiny. This website will teach you how to use a natural superfood diet and a supplement program to heal your body from eczema for good. So, let the journey begin and I sincerely hope that the information provided in this website will lead you to an eczema free life.

Information Source:


  1. We have been giving our little boy Vidazorb children's chewable probiotic and it has been the only thing to offer his little body some relief. We have been through so much as a family with his suffering. I was determined as his mommy to find something safe for him and not to just treat his symptoms. His allergist (formerly) wanted him on high doses of oral steroids without any concern for what this might be doing to him...we were frustrated! I am now on a mommy mission to help others see the power of probiotics! Caroline

  2. I'm a firm believer of curing eczema naturally also. I have had lots of luck with a high % of raw foods in my diet, gentle herbal body cleanses and also a good wholefood supplement-- my preference being marine phytoplankton -- the very young and elderly can take this supplement!
