Sunday, May 31, 2009

On 2009-05-31, Sunday, I came across this site

The following is the “About” ( at

Ever wonder what’s in all of those medications that you take?

Ever worried about the side effects and the horror stories that you hear?

We did.

Not long ago we thought, what would it be like to have a resource on the internet where people could come and find natural remedies to their problems.

Not only would they be able to find solutions, they would also learn about the problem that they’re facing and actually understand the cause of the issue and then feel good about how to cure it! That kind of site could change the world!

That is We’re not here to replace your doctor. We’re here to educate you on the health issues that you face and offer you alternative solutions to the expensive drugs that doctors often prescribe for some of the simplest problems.

So dig in, learn something new and go away a better, healthier individual.


The Staff of

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