Friday, July 31, 2009

My July 2009 self-monitored performance against Health KPI (Key Performance Indicators)

The following are the report for the health indicators that can be easily monitored by myself.


KPI (Key Performance Indicators)



Optimal Blood Pressure after waking up in the morning: SYSTOIC less than 120 mmHg, DIASTOLIC less than 80 mmHg

Passed on all 21 days when my Blood Pressure was measured


My BMI should be within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Passed on everyday of the month.


A waist size of less than 36 in. (90 cm) and A Waist-Hip ratio of less than 0.95.

Passed. On 2009-07-31 0906 am. Waist = 81.5 cm, Hip = 92 cm . Waist-Hip ratio = 0.886


Bowel Movements: At least one medium-size or two small-sizes daily. Banana-shaped. Brown.

Passed. On most days, big Banana-shaped. Brown. Only one day no bowel movement.

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