Friday, December 25, 2009

10 WAYS TO AVOID BINGEING (i.e. excessive eating or drinking) during festive season like Christmas

Info Source: Mind Your Body of the Straits Times dated 24th December 2009.

Stay in control this festive season with these tips from Ms Pooja Vig, nutritionist at The Nutrition Clinic, and Madam Koay Saw Lan, head of dietetics and nutrition services at Singapore General Hospital.

1: Eat regular meals throughout the day. Do not skip a meal because you want to 'save space' for the big dinner you have been invited to.

2: Eat a healthy snack like an apple before you go out for a meal. You tend to order more than necessary if you are hungry.

3: Alternatively, take a fibre supplement before going out. Soluble fibre forms a gel-like substance in the gut, which is believed to be able to absorb extra fat and sugar from food.

Thus, blood sugar levels rise at a slower rate. Some of the sugar stays within the gel and is carried out of the body as waste. Some fat and cholesterol are also absorbed by the gel and carried out of the body.

4: Be mindful of finger food. A few samosas, fried spring rolls or mini-quiches add up quickly to your fat and calorie intake. Stick with food that requires utensils as we eat finger food faster than food which requires a fork.

5: Avoid cookies, cakes and chips while socialising as you will be unwittingly consuming more calories and fats.

6: Eat slowly. It takes 20 minutes for the brain to realise that you are no longer hungry. So refrain from having second helpings for at least 20minutes.

7: Use smaller serving spoons and plates. A 2006 study, Ice Cream Illusions: Bowls, Spoons, And Self-Served Portions, conducted by Cornell University, found that the bigger the bowl and serving spoon, the more ice cream people tended to eat.

8: Start with the healthiest items so you will feel full and not be tempted to sample the less healthy ones.

9: When having dessert, eat something that has dark chocolate. It is the best way to satisfy your sweet tooth without too much sugar. Dark chocolate contains less sugar.

10: Instead of having a full glass of wine, mix half a glass of wine with sparkling water or diet cola. This reduces the calories by half.

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