Friday, February 5, 2010

ANGER CONTROL (by Singapore Health Promotion Board)

Note: the following was part of the article "Heartfelt anger" (by APRIL CHONG in Mind your Body of the Straits Times dated 2010-02-4)

How can you keep your emotions in control? Here are three tips from the Health Promotion Board on what you can do when you start to feel anger boiling in you:

(1) Take some time out. Get away from the situation to rethink the problem with a calmer frame of mind so that you do not say or do things in a hasty manner.

(2) Do something physical like go to the gym, take a brisk walk or run.This allows you to focus on an activity which takes you away from the anger-provoking situation and, after that, you may be able to seethings in a clearer way.

(3) Do calming activities like deep breathing exercises and yoga. This helps to lower blood pressure and heart rate.

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