Sunday, February 14, 2010

Raw brown rice & vegetable diet (Written by Dr. Mitsuo Koda , 甲田光雄博士)

On 2010-02-14, Sunday, I came across the following article on the internet

Info Source:

Raw brown rice & vegetable diet


Why raw vegetables?
Both cooked and raw vegetables have benefits but when we think about the prevention and treatment of disease, raw vegetables are far more effective. It's very important to eat plants food raw although scientists haven't solved the reason yet.

Most of us believe that food gets more digestible when it's heated or cooked but, in fact, the body isn't happy with it. Our ancestors lived on raw food over 30 - 40 million years.

Why raw brown rice?
Cutting down carbohydrates a lot is not a good idea because they are essential for the body. There is a food which contains carbohydrate but does not increase glucose. It is raw brown rice. It never heightens a blood-sugar level suddenly.

The best way is to eat sprouted raw brown rice but raw brown rice is good enough.

Some nutritionists recommend eating lots more vegetables and less meat, but nevertheless most people still believe it's necessary to eat meat and continue to do so. By continuing to eat a certain amount of meat, we can't get the full benefit of vegetables just by eating more of them and hope that will make up for the bad effects of meat.

It's enough to eat 250 - 500g of vegetables per day.

How to make raw vegetable juice
Put at least five kinds of vegetables (preferably organic) into a juicer: cabbage, parsley, spinach, chard, radish and carrot etc. plus seasonal vegetables. No celery and cucumber. The ideal green vegetable juice consists of the same quantity of leaf vegetable and root vegetable. Adding an apple is optional. Don't add water.
Drink 180 ml twice a day. If you don't have time to make, use vegetable powder or tinned green or carrot juice.

Certain enzymes in carrots destroy other vegetables' vitamin C, so first make carrot juice and add a few drop of lemon juice or rice vinegar and then green vegetables, or make carrot juice separately.

Fruit, like vegetables, contains vitamins, minerals and fibre, but also fruit sugar. Fruit has become much sweeter recently than it was in the old days so be careful. An apple or two mandarin oranges per day is enough but if you don't eat sweets, it's all right to eat more.

Drink unboiled water when the stomach is empty. Drink less during a meal and during the following three hours. Drink 1.5 - 2 litres per day. Instead of breakfast, 500-600 ml of water in the morning is good. Don't count tea, coffee, beer etc as water. Tap water is OK but filter it to remove chlorine. Cold water, under 5 degrees C, is bad for the kidneys.

The secret for health and longevity is to be a small eater.

Essence of diet
The most important thing for a healthy diet is how to cut down on food. The smaller eater we become, the more important it is to eat high quality food.

We can live on much less calories
When you have big meals, you may need to exercise a lot and do keep fit. However the bigger the meals you have, the weaker your stomach and intestines become because of a big load. We can live on far less calories, nevertheless we eat more than we need so we become ill.

Overeating easily
We prefer to be told to eat certain foods for health because of our appetite and find it easier to follow, rather than to be limited, therefore we overeat easily.

Small eating comes from your love and mercy

Plants, fish and animals are living. Life is equal. Even eating vegetables, we're taking life. But animals, especially a mammal, are closer species to human so if we have compassion, we can't kill and eat them. It's cruel.

Eating meat doesn't make you healthy. It's a good idea to become a vegan and destroy life as little as possible. But it doesn't mean you can eat as much vegan food as you want. We are living by taking others' life. When we apply love and mercy to a diet, we become small eating vegans.

More than 800 million people are starving in the world. If we reduce by half the consumption of meat, it could be solved. It's essential to eat less animal products than you usually do for all to be happy.

Small eater & raw vegan
Passage from
(tabekata-mondo. Syousyoku-no-susume; FAQ about diet - becoming a small eater)
Written by Dr. Mitsuo Koda, Sunplaza Nakano /2004

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