Monday, February 15, 2010

What is Healthy Living? (by the Government of Manitoba, Canada)

On 2010-02-15(1025 am) I came across this web apge: on " What is Healthy Living?"

Healthy Living is about making healthy choices every day; healthy choices that keep us fit physically, mentally and spiritually. Eating well, being physically active and not smoking are three of the best things we can do to stay healthy. By staying healthy we can help prevent chronic diseases and reduce our risk of becoming ill or seriously injured.

Many factors affect the health of Manitobans such as family history, gender, culture, education, employment, income, the environment, our coping skills and social support networks. As individuals and groups, there are many things we can do to positively influence our physical, mental, social and spiritual health and well-being.

Living healthier is a personal choice, but everyone has a role to play. Individuals, families, communities, governments and other organizations can work together to create environments and conditions that support healthy living. Some examples include creating smoke-free public spaces, making nutritious foods easily accessible or developing communities and buildings that promote physical activity.

Need more ideas? Check out Manitoba’s Healthy Living Guide. This new guide offers simple tips, strategies and guidelines for eating healthier and living better.

To get your free guide, download a copy here or call us at 1-866-MANITOBA (1-866-626-4862).

We hope this website will be helpful and provide you with practical information on a variety of healthy living topics. Read on, enjoy, and see if there are some changes you and your family can start making today.

1 comment:

  1. Healthy living is very important. I look forward to reading "Looking Good Naked", a new book by Canadians David Desjardins and Helene Dumais. I think this book could help many people change their lives for the better by showing them how to live and eat right.
