Tuesday, July 13, 2010

2010-07-13: Ping Shuai Gong (平甩功) Practice Record (李鳳山-平甩功)

The above is Ping Shuai Gong by Master Li Fengshan ( 李鳳山-平甩功)

Today is 2010-07-12 (Tuesday)

Today’s Ping Shuai Gong (平甩功) Practice Record:

First practice of the day: 10 minutes
Second practice of the day: 10 minutes
Third practice of the day: 10 minutes
Fourth practice of the day: 10 minutes

Total for today: 40 minutes

The Cummulative total since 2010-07-09: 150 minutes

Note: Ping Shuai Gong is a very simple Chinese Qigong

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