Wednesday, September 22, 2010 -- Incredible Smoothies! (a website on smoothie)

I just came across

This website on smoothie may be useful to you.

The following information is from

Our Green Smoothie Story
By Davy Russell

We first heard about green smoothies around the holidays in 2007. We had just gotten married and after a food-filled honeymoon in Mexico and a holiday season filled with baked goodies, we wanted to start the new year off healthier. We decided to incorporate green smoothies into our daily routine and quickly became fans of the simple Banana-Spinach green smoothie. We’d make up a big pitcher and have it with either lunch or dinner.

A couple months later, we started adding tomato and carrots to green smoothies and experimented with different flavor combinations. We especially liked the fact that we could easily get in 6-10 servings of fruits and vegetables without tasting the veggies! We eventually replaced our morning breakfast and coffee with a rich, delicious green smoothie.

In the meantime, we noticed an increase of energy and a decrease in cravings for junk foods. Davy lost 30 pounds, dropping from 185 to 155 which he hadn’t weighed since he was in high school. Tracy also dropped weight and quickly got back down to her normal, healthy weight. These green smoothies were not only delicious, they were keeping our health on track and our weight in check!

Now it has been a year and a half since we first took a tentative sip at that bright green smoothie. We cannot imagine what our lives would be like without these wonderful superfood shakes! We decided to create to share our passion, experiences and recipes with you so that you can enjoy the same health benefits we have had.

We hope you enjoy our incredible smoothies, and by all means, let us know which ones are your favorite and share any recipes you come up with as well!

Best health to you!

Davy and Tracy Russell,

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