Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Bone Density Test results on 2010-09-11 (Saturday)

I had my Bone Density Tests using at between 2.15 pm and 3.30 pm on 11 September 2010, Saturday, at the booth of World Food Fair (Formerly known as International Food Festival) at Suntec Convention Hall.

(a) At “All Link Medical & Health Products Pte Ltd” Booth, my T-Score was -.2.2.

(b) At “Biocalth International (S) Pte Ltd’ booth, my T-Score was -1.3 and Stiffness index = 89.

Which result is more accurate?

Summary of test results since 2007-09-08:

2010-07-03: T-Score = - 2.1

2007-09-08: T-Score = -1.6

2008-05-24: T-Score = -1.9

2008-09-06: T-Score = -1.0

2009-04-04: T-Score = -1.3 and T-Score = - 0.8(Note: The second result given by another company might be inaccurate.)

2009-07-11: T-Score = -1.2 and T-Score = -1.2(Two Tests by different companies)

2010-07-03: T-score = -2.1 and Stiffness index = 79 (plus or minus 2)

Note: Bone Condition and T-score

Normal to Healthy: T-Score 0 to 2

Borderline to Normal: T-Score – 1 to 0

Low Bone Mass: T-Score –2.5 to – 1

Osteoporosis: T-score – 4 to – 2.5

1 comment:

  1. MY bone density test results january 25, 3012 is 3.38.

    i understand that osteoporosis is reversible. How do i go about reversing it? is it safe and advisable to take alendronate sodium Osteocor or Fosamax. I heard negative feedback about taking alendronate. Please enlighten me on this so i can work on reversing osteoporosis more efficiently and without side effects.
