Saturday, September 11, 2010

The relationship between Human being and his body cells (Why we fall sick?)

“Human body cells are in fact the most faithful human being’s companions. The cells do not deceive. They do not camouflage. They do not hide anything form the master, i.e. the human being. If the master treats them well, they are full of vitality. If the master ill-treats them, they will react accordingly. When they cannot bear with the ill treatment, they will give him a message by letting the master fall sick.”

The above is extracted from page 175 of the book with title ‘I gained 30 years of life’ (我赚了三十年, ISBN: 986-7819-07-1) in Chinese written by a pathologist Dr. Li Feng who is a cancer survivor.

Dr. Li Feng is a medical doctor specialized in Pathology. She graduated from National Taiwan University School of Medicine and was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer when she was in the third year of her postgraduate study in Toronto, Canada in the late 196o’s. She later worked in National Taiwan University Hospital and was a professor of Department of Pathology, National Taiwan University College of Medicine until her retirement in 1998.

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