Monday, February 21, 2011

Eat less red meat, UK Government scientists warn

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Eat less red meat, Government scientists warn

Britons will be warned that they must cut their consumption of red meat to reduce the risk of cancer, following official advice from the Government scientists.

Consumers will be told to eat no more than 500g (1.1lb) of red or processed meat each week, or 70g (2.5oz) a day, under recommendations to be issued by the Coalition this week.

The daily total is the equivalent of three rashers of bacon – while the weekly amount would be reached by eating one large steak, a pork chop, two sausages and a small portion of beef bolognese sauce.

A Coalition source said: "It is important that people are not put off eating red meat entirely – but it would be irresponsible to ignore the potential health risks. The advice is very clear."

The recommendations will follow the publication of a full report by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition, which is due within days. The findings are expected to echo the committee's draft report, which found that lower consumption of both red and processed meat would probably reduce the risk of bowel cancer, the second most common cause of cancer death in Britain.

The experts will say the full study has confirmed the link between higher meat consumption and cancer, but is not able to quantify this fully, partly because of the complexity of the data examined, which stretches back to 1998.

Nevertheless, the experts will advise that consumers should reduce their daily red meat intake to 70g.

This is the current average across the whole population, but among those who eat red meat, consumption is likely to be considerably higher because an estimated six million people eat none, including 3.6 million vegetarians.

The experts will warn of particular risks to the third of the adult population consuming more than 100g (3.5oz) a day. Current advice, which dates from 1998, suggested 90g (3.2oz) a day was a healthy amount, and that people only needed to cut back on red meat if they were eating more than 140g (5oz) every day.

Links between red meat and cancer, which have been suggested by a series of scientific studies, have provoked long-running controversy.

In 2005, a European study found those who regularly ate 160g (5.6oz) of red meat a day increased their risk of bowel cancer by one third.

High consumption of red and processed meat has also been linked to many other cancers, including that of the breast, bladder, stomach and digestive organs, but the evidence is weaker.
In 2007, the World Cancer Research Fund recommended a limit of 500g (1.1lb) a week.

Controversially, it said people should eat no more than 70g (2.5oz) of processed meat a week and that children should never have the products, which include ham, sausages and bacon.

The advice this week is not expected to put a specific limit on the amount of processed meats people can safely eat within the overall red meat limit. Last year, Sir Liam Donaldson, the then Chief Medical Officer for England, said cutting consumption of all meat by 30 per cent would prevent 18,000 premature deaths a year.

There are several theories about why high consumption of red meat increases the chance of developing cancer.

Scientists believe a pigment found in red meat damages the DNA of cells lining the digestive system – and DNA damage is one of the first signs of cancer. Burning meat is also thought to increase the risks. In addition, some studies suggest that preservatives used in processed meat could increase risks.

Studies have also suggested links between red meat and heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Obesity increases the risks of many diseases, and some research has suggested that those who avoid red meat tend to weigh less.

The report, drawn up by 17 scientists, doctors and nutritionists, is also expected to say doctors and health visitors should make sure that groups at risk of iron deficiency – including toddlers, girls, women of reproductive age and the elderly – have enough of the element, and that some should be given supplements.

The meat industry is likely to fiercely defend the role of red meat in a balanced diet.

Last week, a report by the British Nutrition Foundation, partly funded by the British Pig Executive and the English Beef and Lamb Executive, said there was no evidence of any link between average red meat consumption levels and cancer, and that research connecting meat-eating with cardiovascular disease was inconclusive.

A Department of Health spokesman said: “The department will be publishing the committee of independent experts’ report on iron and health shortly.

Meat can be eaten in moderation as part of a healthy diet.”

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