Monday, February 21, 2011

My Tanita BC-532 Body Composition Monitor became faulty on 2011-02-18 -- Saw 'Error' message I stepped on the monitor

On 2009-09-23 (Wednesday, afternoon) I bought a Tanita BC-532 Body Composition Monitor at S$200.00 from TANGS ORCHARD as another useful tool to monitor and improve the health of my family and myself and even relative and friends.

On 2011-02-18, I saw ‘error’ after seeing my height on the monitor while trying to use BC-532.

On 2011-02-21, Monday, at about 5.10 pm I changed the four AA batteries. But the same problem occurred.

So from 2011-02-21 I started to re- use my old simple and cheap electronic glass bathroom scale model Th510 (which I bought on 2007-10-12 at S$29.90 from Watson Century square), until I solve the problem with Tanita BC-532!

I found the following Q&A relevant to my problem at this site:

Q: What conditions might cause skewed results or an "Error" reading in the display?
A: Hydration fluctuations which may result from alcohol or food consumption, sleep, intense exercise, medication or pre-menstruation.
--- A very full bladder.
--- Severe calluses on heels or soles of feet (about 1/400 people tested).
--- Unclean foot pads may interfere with conductivity.
--- Nylons interfere with conductivity. If it is absolutely necessary to measure in nylons, use a drop of isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol on the foot pads to act as a conductor.

Q: How will I know if my Tanita Monitor needs recalibrating?
A: An "Error" or "Sub" code might appear on the readout; the digital display might not "zero out" after your last measurement; or the results might be erratic and non-repeatable. Call customer service at 1-847-640-9241

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