Saturday, September 24, 2011

The confession by 60-year-old unhealthy man with unhealthy diet

Note: Based my personal experience, to be healthy, eating healthy food most of the time is much more important than doing exercise. Your moving around at home or work place can be considered as a form of light exercise. No junk food. Avoid most of the processed food.

The following is the confession (via email to a friend of mine) by 60-year-old unhealthy man with unhealthy diet:

Many things suggest that my health is deteriorating.

Fading memory, poor listening capacity, floaters in the eye, struggling to read and listen and diabetes, etc. I am unable to control urine at times.

Fading memory is the most frustrating of all in my life.

Despite having regular exercises, I am still having health problems.

I suspect it is due to my diet, I love food, enjoy eating so much that it is to a extent of being unable to resist the food temptation.

Good foods are unhealthy, generally.

I have to take drastic actions to change my diet to healthy one before it is too late!

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