Thursday, January 12, 2012

Diet of lifestyle coach Mr Lionel Lim, aged 35

In the article entitled “ Mr Confident” in Mind Your Body of the Straits Times dated 2012-01-12, Thursday, lifestyle coach Mr Lionel Lim, aged 35, of Lionel Lim Lifestyle Works ( ), tells reporter Joan Chew his diet:

What is your diet like?

I eat five or six small meals throughout the day to keep my energy level constant. This habit makes me less susceptible to overeating.

Breakfast is my heartiest meal and comprises a protein shake, two slices of wholemeal bread with three hard-boiled egg whites, tuna, lettuce and tomatoes.

For lunch, I may have chicken breast or steamed/grilled fish with rice and vegetables. I steer clear of any gravy or curry.

Dinner is always the lightest meal and is usually soupy in nature. I alternate between fish soup and yong tau foo.

Even if I have a night training session with a client, I make sure I have dinner by 7.30pm.

I believe late dinners are not good for your digestive system and are the cause of that bulging tummy.

For my other three meals, I have fresh fruit such as apples, bananas or oranges.

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