Saturday, January 7, 2012

Green Smoothie: Orange + Organic Red Spinach + Cold Water– Ref: 2012-01-07

Green Smoothie: Orange + Organic Red Spinach + Cold Water– Ref: 2012-01-07

At about 4.30 pm on 2012-01-07 (Saturday) I made a green smoothie with the following:

(a) 50 grams of organic red spinach with short roots (from Fire Flies Health Farm) after washing away sands.
(b) 200 grams of peeled orange obtained from two oranges.

(c) 150 ml of cold boiled plain water

Key Nutrition Information of the smoothie:

Total Energy

= 15.5 Kcal from red spinach and 94 Kcal from orange

= 109.5 Kcal

Total Dietary Fibre

= 0.9 gram from red spinach and 4.8 grams from orange

= 5.7 grams


(1) Add all the cut ingredients and water into Philips Blender HR 2094.

(2) Press Smoothie Function and let the blender work for 1 minute.

Smoothie produced with Philips Blender HR 2094 = About 500 ml

No. of Serves = 2
Tasters: Myself

Verdict: Good taste. The ratio of orange to red spinach is 4 to 1. The leafy taste of the spinach had been very much reduced by the orange.

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