Saturday, June 15, 2013

How to Choose the Best Bread

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How to Choose the Best Bread

Here are some bread-buying tips:

(1) Go with the whole grain. Choose breads that list "whole" grain as the first ingredient, such as whole wheat, white whole wheat, or whole oats. 

"Wheat bread" is not necessarily a whole-grain product.

(2) Downsize. To reduce portions, boost fiber intake, and improve whole-grain consumption, opt for whole-grain English muffins, bagel thins, and sandwich thins. 

Choose 2-ounce sandwich and hamburger buns.

(3) Don't shop by color. Many whole-grain breads are darker than white bread, but food manufacturers may add molasses and food coloring to give their refined bread products a darker hue. 

Always check the ingredient label.

(4) Bulk up. Choose whole-grain bread products with at least 3 grams of fiber per serving.

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