Wednesday, February 12, 2014

L-Tryptophan and sleep and mood. Serotonin and melatonin.

What is L-Tryptophan?

L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid. The body can't make it, so diet must supply tryptophan. Amino acids are building blocks of proteins. Foods rich in tryptophan include, you guessed it, turkey. Tryptophan is also found in other poultry, meat, cheese, yogurt, fish, and eggs.

Tryptophan is used by the body to make niacin, a B vitamin that is important for digestion, skin and nerves, and serotonin. Serotonin is a brain chemical that plays a large role in mood) and can help to create a feeling of well-being and relaxation. "When levels of serotonin are high, you're in a better mood, sleep better, and have a higher pain tolerance," says Elizabeth Somer, MA, RD, author of numerous nutritionbooks, including her latest, Eat Your Way to Happiness.

Tryptophan is needed for the body to produce serotonin. 

Serotonin is used to make melatonin, a hormone that helps to control your sleep and wake cycles.

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