Monday, April 7, 2014

Blank Mind and Loss of Appetite are related to deficiencies of nutrients in your foods and diet

Blank Mind and Loss of Appetite are related to deficiencies of nutrients in your foods and diet

Are you experiencing…?

Your diet may lack

Foods which contain these nutrients

Blank mind

Seafood/fish: oysters, mussels, shrimp
Cereals: fortified breakfast cereal
Nuts: cashews, walnuts, almonds
Dairy: mozzarella, Swiss cheese, cheddar cheese, low fat yoghurt
Beans and pulses:chickpeas, kidney beans, baked beans, lima beans, lentils, miso
Meat: chicken (dark meat), turkey, lamb, pork, mince beef
Seeds: pumpkin, sesame
Veg: spinach, mushrooms, squash, asparagus, broccoli
Fruit: blackberries, kiwi

Loss of appetite

Seafood/fish: oysters, mussels, shrimp
Cereals: fortified breakfast cereal
Nuts: cashews, walnuts, almonds
Dairy: mozzarella, Swiss cheese, cheddar cheese, low fat yoghurt
Beans and pulses:chickpeas, kidney beans, baked beans, lima beans, lentils, miso
Meat: chicken (dark meat), turkey, lamb, pork, mince beef
Seeds: pumpkin, sesame
Veg: spinach, mushrooms, squash, asparagus, broccoli
Fruit: blackberries, kiwi

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