Saturday, August 12, 2023

Forum: Too long a wait for SNEC appointment for subsidised patients

Forum: Too long a wait for SNEC appointment for subsidised patients


Recently, I called up the Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC) to make appointments for my elderly parents to have their eyes checked.

My mum has cataracts and suffers from blurred vision, and my dad’s lower eyelid has been swollen for years. They were examined by a doctor at a polyclinic and were referred to the SNEC for further review and treatment.

I was shocked when I was informed by the SNEC that the next available appointment date as a subsidised patient is in September 2024, which is more than a year away. I was told that the long waiting time was due to a shortage of doctors.

The SNEC also said that if I opted for the non-subsidised route, the waiting time is shorter and the earliest date available is in October this year. But if I opted for no subsidy, it would have to be “non-subsidised all the way” and my parents would not be able to switch back to being subsidised patients.

As the waiting time for appointments for subsidised patients is way too long, I had no choice but to go for the non-subsidised route for my parents to get them an appointment as soon as possible.

Such inflexibility has financial implications, as the cost of cataract surgery without the appropriate subsidy is much higher.

I urge the Government to relook the healthcare scheme and subsidies, especially for the elderly, who may not be able to wait long to seek appropriate medical care.

Edwin Goh

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