Friday, January 3, 2025

Savings: How to make practical plans to start saving more

The Straits TimesSPH Media Limited

How to make practical plans to start saving more

You have a better chance at succeeding in saving more if you start more reasonable targets
You have a better chance at succeeding in saving more if you start with more reasonable targets. PHOTO: LIANHE ZAOBAO
PUBLISHED Jan 03, 2025, 05:00 AM
For many people, financial resolutions might be light-hearted fodder for small talk at holiday parties. Not for Cynthia Luna. She is dead serious about them.

The financial planner from Waxahachie, Texas sends all her clients New Year’s cards with their resolutions written down in black and white. If you stray, prepare to hear about it.

“The right way is to use baby steps and make them achievable and encouraging – because you don’t want to fail at your financial resolutions,” says Ms Luna, a principal at Moonshot Financial Group.

Financial resolutions start the new year on the right foot. In fact, 65 per cent of Americans are drawing them up for 2025, according to a new study from money manager Fidelity Investments.

The winning responses are classic: Save more money (43 per cent), pay down debt (37 per cent) and spend less (31 per cent).

But for one of the only times in the history of Fidelity’s 16-year survey, people looking to save money are favouring short-term goals over long-term ones, by 55 to 45 per cent.

That indicates people do not really have the luxury of thinking 20 or 30 years off and are instead focusing on right now – paying the rent or mortgage, buying gas, covering monthly utility bills and putting food on the table.

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“This will be a year of living practically,” says Ms Rita Assaf, vice-president of retirement products at Fidelity, who analysed the findings. “Short-term savings goals are just more of a priority right now. People are very concerned about the day-to-day.”

Millennials are the most determined generation in setting financial resolutions, with 74 per cent of them making money goals for the New Year. That compares with 70 per cent of Gen Z, 67 per cent of Gen X and only 52 per cent of Baby Boomers.

There is an art to making financial resolutions, though. To nudge you in the direction of success, here are a few key pointers from financial professionals:

Go small

You may have heard the career advice, “Go big!” But when it comes to financial resolutions, the smarter path is the exact opposite – go small.

Think too vague and grandiose – you want to be a multimillionaire, maybe – and you will likely fall short, be depressed about your failing, and drop your goals altogether.

Instead, focus on tiny, daily, concrete steps that will eventually get you where you want to go.

“Have as few goals as possible, the fewer, the better,” says Mr Thomas Scanlon, a financial adviser with Raymond James in Manchester, Connecticut. “Start small: If all you can do is put an extra US$100 a month towards your credit card balance, do it.”

Use automated savings plan

One problem with resolutions is that they tend to rely on the human will, and the human will is fallible.

Your resolution is to not be tempted by those shopping discounts you love? Good luck with that because sooner or later, you will probably fail. In the Fidelity survey, 37 per cent of people admitted they busted out on last year’s resolutions.

The smart thing is to take choice out of your own hands whenever possible, so your will does not even come into play. Automate your monthly retirement plan contribution. Automate your bill payments. If you get a raise, automate saving a percentage of that, too.

“I am a big fan of automation,” says financial planner W. Michael Lofley, in Stuart, Florida. “The less you have to think about your financial resolutions, the easier it is to stick to them. It’s ‘Set it and forget it.’ ”

Review when needed

A New Year’s resolution is a snapshot in time of what your goals are right now. Can those goals change in a month, or three months, or six months? Of course.

There is no shame in revisiting your resolutions occasionally and changing them, if necessary. It does not necessarily mean you have “failed”; it means that different priorities have emerged, and that is okay.

“I usually suggest people revisit those goals quarterly, or even more often if it helps you,” says Fidelity’s Ms Assaf. “You never know what is going to arise throughout the year, and if something happens, it is perfectly fine to revise your resolutions. REUTERS

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Savings: (Text) How to make practical plans to start saving more

How to make practical plans to start saving more


For many people, financial resolutions might be light-hearted fodder for small talk at holiday parties. Not for Cynthia Luna. She is dead serious about them.

The financial planner from Waxahachie, Texas sends all her clients New Year’s cards with their resolutions written down in black and white. If you stray, prepare to hear about it.

“The right way is to use baby steps and make them achievable and encouraging – because you don’t want to fail at your financial resolutions,” says Ms Luna, a principal at Moonshot Financial Group.

Financial resolutions start the new year on the right foot. In fact, 65 per cent of Americans are drawing them up for 2025, according to a new study from money manager Fidelity Investments.

The winning responses are classic: Save more money (43 per cent), pay down debt (37 per cent) and spend less (31 per cent).

But for one of the only times in the history of Fidelity’s 16-year survey, people looking to save money are favouring short-term goals over long-term ones, by 55 to 45 per cent.

That indicates people do not really have the luxury of thinking 20 or 30 years off and are instead focusing on right now – paying the rent or mortgage, buying gas, covering monthly utility bills and putting food on the table.

“This will be a year of living practically,” says Ms Rita Assaf, vice-president of retirement products at Fidelity, who analysed the findings. “Short-term savings goals are just more of a priority right now. People are very concerned about the day-to-day.”

Millennials are the most determined generation in setting financial resolutions, with 74 per cent of them making money goals for the New Year. That compares with 70 per cent of Gen Z, 67 per cent of Gen X and only 52 per cent of Baby Boomers.

There is an art to making financial resolutions, though. To nudge you in the direction of success, here are a few key pointers from financial professionals:

Go small
You may have heard the career advice, “Go big!” But when it comes to financial resolutions, the smarter path is the exact opposite – go small.

Think too vague and grandiose – you want to be a multimillionaire, maybe – and you will likely fall short, be depressed about your failing, and drop your goals altogether.

Instead, focus on tiny, daily, concrete steps that will eventually get you where you want to go.

“Have as few goals as possible, the fewer, the better,” says Mr Thomas Scanlon, a financial adviser with Raymond James in Manchester, Connecticut. “Start small: If all you can do is put an extra US$100 a month towards your credit card balance, do it.”

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Use automated savings plan
One problem with resolutions is that they tend to rely on the human will, and the human will is fallible.

Your resolution is to not be tempted by those shopping discounts you love? Good luck with that because sooner or later, you will probably fail. In the Fidelity survey, 37 per cent of people admitted they busted out on last year’s resolutions.

The smart thing is to take choice out of your own hands whenever possible, so your will does not even come into play. Automate your monthly retirement plan contribution. Automate your bill payments. If you get a raise, automate saving a percentage of that, too.

“I am a big fan of automation,” says financial planner W. Michael Lofley, in Stuart, Florida. “The less you have to think about your financial resolutions, the easier it is to stick to them. It’s ‘Set it and forget it.’ ”

Review when needed
A New Year’s resolution is a snapshot in time of what your goals are right now. Can those goals change in a month, or three months, or six months? Of course.

There is no shame in revisiting your resolutions occasionally and changing them, if necessary. It does not necessarily mean you have “failed”; it means that different priorities have emerged, and that is okay.

“I usually suggest people revisit those goals quarterly, or even more often if it helps you,” says Fidelity’s Ms Assaf. “You never know what is going to arise throughout the year, and if something happens, it is perfectly fine to revise your resolutions. REUTERS

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我今年80岁了,上个月刚搬进养老院。老实说,这一个月里我看到的情况让我心里很不舒服。这地方跟我想象的完全不一样。我和其他老人在这里,感觉就像失去了尊严一样。每天看着周围的情况,我常常觉得难过。真没想到,养老院的生活会是这个样子。 搬进养老院那天,儿子和儿媳帮我收拾好行李,送我到了这里。他们匆匆忙忙地帮我安顿好,就急着要走。 我知道他们工作忙,可看着他们离开的背影,我还是忍不住红了眼眶。那一刻,我感觉自己像是被抛弃了,虽然我知道这并不是事实。 养老院的房间比我想象中要小得多。我和另一位老人合住一间,虽然有独立的卫生间,但空间依然十分局促。我那些珍藏多年的物品,大部分都无法带来,只能留在原来的家里。 看着这陌生的环境,我突然感到一阵茫然。墙上挂着的日历仿佛在提醒我,时间正在一天天流逝,而我却被困在这个小小的空间里。 早餐时间是早上7点,我习惯了晚起,这让我很不适应。每天早上,我都要强迫自己从床上爬起来,生怕错过了用餐时间。 食堂里的饭菜也和家里的大不相同,虽然营养均衡,但总觉得少了点家的味道。有时候我会想念儿子做的红烧肉,那是我最喜欢的菜。 每次吃饭时,我都会不自觉地环顾四周,看着其他老人默默地吃着饭,心里总有一种说不出的凄凉。 这里的日程安排得很紧凑。早上有晨练,然后是各种文娱活动。我以前喜欢下棋,但这里的棋友水平参差不齐,下着下着就没了兴致。 有时候,我会故意走神,想象自己还在原来的家里,和老伙计们在公园里下棋的场景。午休后还有一些课程,比如书法、唱歌之类的。 我试着参加了几次,但总觉得提不起劲儿。看着其他老人勉强地参与活动,我不禁想,我们是真的需要这些,还是只是在消磨时间? 最让我不习惯的是这里的生活方式。虽然工作人员都很热情,但他们忙起来的时候,难免显得有些冷漠。 我看到有些行动不便的老人想上厕所,却要等很久才有人来帮忙。有时候我也需要帮助,但又不好意思麻烦别人,只能自己慢慢来。 这种感觉让我觉得自己像是一个负担,虽然我知道这不是事实,但这种感觉总是挥之不去。 晚上是最难熬的时候。房间里很安静,只能听到隔壁老人的鼾声。我常常睡不着,就躺在床上回想过去的日子。 我会想起已经去世的老伴,想起我们一起经历的点点滴滴。有时候我会偷偷地哭,但我不想让别人看到我的脆弱。 我常常望着窗外的月亮,想象着如果老伴还在,我们现在会是什么样子。 周末的时候,有些老人会有家人来探望。每到这时,整个养老院都会变得热闹起来。我也总是期待着儿子能来看我,但他们往往因为工作太忙而无法抽身。 偶尔来一次,也是匆匆忙忙的,留下些水果就走了。我知道他们是为了我好,才把我送到这里,但我还是会感到一丝失落。看着其他老人和家人团聚的场景,我心里既羡慕又酸楚。 我开始怀念以前的生活。虽然一个人住有些不方便,但至少是在自己熟悉的环境里。在那里,我可以自由地安排自己的时间,想看电视就看电视,想睡觉就睡觉。 但在这里,一切都要按照规定来。在这里,我感觉自己像是被社会遗忘的一份子。每天看着其他老人也是一样的表情,我忍不住会想,这就是我们晚年的归宿吗? 有时候,我会想起年轻时的梦想和抱负。那时的我充满活力,觉得自己可以改变世界。我曾经是一名教师,教过无数的学生,看着他们成长,我感到无比自豪。 可现在,我却连自己的生活都无法掌控。这种感觉让我非常沮丧。我开始怀疑自己的价值,觉得自己已经成为了社会的负担。 回首这一个月的养老院生活,我深刻体会到了老年人的无奈与孤独。我们曾经也是社会的中坚力量,但现在却仿佛被边缘化了。 养老院虽然提供了基本的生活保障,但却难以填补内心的空虚。 我希望社会能更多地关注老年人的精神需求,让我们的晚年生活不仅仅是简单的吃住,而是能够保持尊严,感受到被需要和被尊重。 同时,我也在想如何在这样的环境中找到新的生活意义,让自己的晚年生活更加充实和有价值。 或许我们需要重新定义老年人的角色,找到新的方式来贡献自己的经验和智慧。


我突然开悟了,照顾老人是一场最高级的修行 我和我弟轮流照顾我88岁老妈,昨天我在我妈家,今早我弟来了后,看我精神状态不好。 我说我昨天一夜没睡,一个小时起来一次,妈不是渴了,就是饿了,要不就是要起来坐着,总之就是不睡觉。 我弟听我说完,一下子打开了他的话匣子,他说他在的时候,我妈也是经常不让他睡。 和他聊她年轻时候的事情,我、我弟和我妹小时候的事情,和我爸怎么认识的,怎么生活的。 我弟本身平时睡眠不是很好,自从伺候我妈以后,反而躺那就着,可能也是太累太困。 我弟说他有时候不耐烦了,就跟我妈说:这些话说了一遍又一遍了,年年天天都在说。 我妈就不高兴,开始教育我弟:我知道,我岁数大了,你嫌我烦了,等你老了,你儿子这么说你,你就知道了。 我弟这样抱怨的话说了一小时,我看还没有打住的意思,我说得走了。 我回家路上想,伺候老人是不容易,但一直跟别人抱怨也没用,我有时候也跟小区邻居说自己多不容易,但邻居也只是蜻蜓点水的安慰一两句,感觉那些同情都很廉价。 我郁闷的时候,也经常去网上找一些和我一样照顾老人的视频,为的是寻求心理平衡,好多视频都是,老人在的时候,子女天天抱怨指责。老人走了,都后悔没对老人更好一些。 我好像突然开悟了,其实照顾老人是一场最高级的修行,既有照顾老人时的无奈、担心和委屈,又有自己修行不到导致的抱怨、指责和焦虑,还有老妈对我们的教育带来的感悟、收获和成长。 我赶紧给我弟打电话:好好照顾妈,有委屈给我打电话,别跟妈不耐烦,将来等妈走了,咱们都不后悔。


近日,我所住的康养中心住进来几位年龄刚近七十的退休老人。通过闲聊得知,多数人不想再为生活操劳了,特别有些是知识分子,不会做饭,每天为一日三餐累的够呛,再是他们都觉得不能等八九十岁,自己不能自理时才住养老院,那就是等死。早点住进康养中心是来享受养老生活,对此本人是特别赞成。七十多岁的退休老人,身心疲惫,患有多种慢性病,不易再过度操劳,住进康养中心,不用买菜做饭,不用再干繁杂的家务,不用操心儿女,彻底放松心态,吃好玩好,把身体养好是最正确的选择。#你该如何养老?# #聊聊如何养老# #养老的两种方式# #你担心养老吗# #你是否担忧养老# #你打算如何养老#

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多做五运动 生活不求人

zaobao singaporeZaobao

多做五运动 生活不求人

发布/2024年3月31日 05:00
“农夫行走”(Farmer’s walk)是其中一种功能性运动,即双手持重物,身体保持稳定前行。这组动作模仿我们日常的活动,涉及多个肌肉的锻炼。 (龙国雄摄)



功能性运动(functional exercises)据说最早源自于患者术后康复的训练,主要锻炼身体一些基本功能。陈笃生医院高级物理治疗师黄恺铃说,功能性运动有别于使用健身房器材,着重于单一或指定肌肉群的运动;功能性运动会动用数个关节或肌肉群,完成我们日常中经常做的动作,比如提取购物袋、上厕所和上下楼梯。




侧步走(Side steps)

  1. 双脚与肩同宽,双手放在高度适中的柜台或桌子。

  2. 右脚往外踏,回到原位。

  3. 左脚往外踏,回到原位。

  4. 重复。



靠墙掌上压(Wall push-ups)

  1. 面向墙壁,距离墙壁约一步距离。站直,双脚与臀同宽。

  2. 手指向上,双手撑墙,大约与肩同宽同高,双肘向内收。

  3. 慢慢弯曲手肘,让身体往墙壁前倾,直至鼻子几乎碰到墙壁。保持背部挺直。

  4. 慢慢往后推,回到原位。

  5. 重复。





  1. 双腿与髋同宽,双手可置于髋部,或十指交叉置于腹前。

  2. 跨出其中一只脚,双脚屈膝,直至前膝呈90度直角,后脚小腿外侧与地面平行。

  3. 回到原位。

  4. 重复。

  5. 换边做。




  1. 坐在椅子上。安全起见,椅子靠墙,椅子有椅背为佳。

  2. 双手放在腿上,站起来。起身时确保身体和双脚挺直。

  3. 坐下。

  4. 重复。



扶椅深蹲(Chair-assisted squats)

  1. 双脚与肩同宽,站在椅子后方,双手扶着椅背。

  2. 臀部往后降,双脚屈膝至约呈90度直角,尽量确保膝盖位置不超过脚趾。

  3. 回到原位。

  4. 重复。



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