Sunday, July 29, 2007

2007-07-29 Eating Diary

Today is 29 July 2007, Sunday.

At 0750 hour, my weight = 59.5 kg (Camry) and BMI = 21.592

Based on my weight of 59.5 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1655 Kcalories (Sedentary).

The increase from 59.0 kg of yesterday morning to 59.5 kg is probably due to the following taken yesterday:

(a) Some fried glutinous rice (Bee Sun) + black sauce pork (Latte)+ ½ egg (Latte) = about 150 kcal
(b) 1 x of pork porridge with 1 egg and half youtiao about 400 kcal
(c) Some fried glutinous rice (Bee Sun) + some Macau almond biscuits= about 150 kcal

For today, the target calorie intake is 1200 kcal.

As at 2359 hr today, food already taken:

(a) 1 cup(s) of plain water
(b) 1 cups of Gold Roast low sugar 3-in-1 Coffee = 70 kcal
(c) 1 x 100 g. apple. (65 kcal/125g.) = about 52 kcal
(d) 1 mixed vegetable rice BRR mkt (2 veg +Taukua) = about 400 kcal
(e) 1 x 100 g. pineapple (74 kcal/155g) = about 74 kcal
(h) 1 milk tea (Sunday meeting) = about 60 kcal
(i) Some Mee Goreng (Feipo) = about 200 kcal
(j) 4 small pineapple tarts = 120 kcal
(k) 4 medium size curry puffs (190 kcal/84g)= about 360 kcal
(l) 2 cup of milo (Sunday meeting) = about 160 kcal
(m) 1 bowl of Bee Hoon soup (Sunday meeting) = about 300 kcal

Actual total today’s calories intake so far= 1796 kcal

Today's Calorie Deficit as at this time = 1655.00 – 1796.00 = - 141kcal

Bowel movements = 1 x big

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