Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My illness: Cough, phlegm, blocked/runny nose probably due to chili padi and Insufficient sleep

At about 8.45 pm on 11th March 2009, Wednesday, I saw Dr Tango, my long-time family doctor for my cough, phlegm, blocked/runny nose.

My illness is probably due to a combination of the following:

(a) I took cut chili padi for two consecutive nights (two smal packets each night) on last Friday and Saturday with fish porridge.

(b) Insufficient sleep on most days for various reasons.

I started to have cough, phlegm, blocked/runny nose and felt a bit heaty from around afternoon on last Sunday. So I took two tablets of Panadol for cold relief.

On Monday I took Panadol 3 times (2 tablets each time)

On Tuesday I took two tablets of Panadol

Just before I saw Dr tango, I still coughed on and off with phlegm stuck in the throat or phlegm coming out after cough and sometimes I needed to blow my nose to clear the wet mucous.

Now I am still feel a bit heaty although Dr Tango has confirmed I do not have fever.

I hope my this minor illness will be over in two or three days.

The last time I saw Dr Tango was on 1st November 2007.

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