Wednesday, April 1, 2009

2009-04-01 My Living Diary

Today is 2009-04-01, Wed

At 0700 hour, my weight = 55.7 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.213.

Based on my weight of 55.7 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1588.75 Kcal (Sedentary).

This BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

6 + 1.5 = 7. 5 hours

Bowel Movement today: 2 x medium ( Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. Not smelly).

Note: GG was sick and stayed home today.

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