Friday, February 29, 2008

2008-02-29 My Living Diary

Today is 29 February 2008, Friday.

At 0540 hour, my weight = 54.5 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.777.

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 54.5 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1568.75 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-29: (A) 0100 hr to 0500 hr = 4 hours 00 minutes

Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Weight Changes from 2007-05-28 to 2008-02-28

2007-05-28 morning, my weight = 65.0 kg, BMI = 23.588
2007-06-28 morning, my weight = 61.0 kg, BMI = 22.136
2007-07-28 morning, my weight = 59.0 kg, BMI = 21.410
2007-08-28 morning, my weight = 58.7 kg, BMI = 21.302
2007-09-28 morning, my weight = 57.5 kg, BMI = 20.866
2007-10-28 morning, my weight = 57.5 kg, BMI = 20.866
2007-11-28 morning, my weight = 56.2 kg, BMI = 20.394.
2007-12-28 morning, my weight = 55.5 kg, BMI = 20.140.
2008-01-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886.
2008-02-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886.

My maximum weight in February 2008 = 57.4 kg (11 Feb 2008)

My minimum weight in February 2008 = 54.5 kg (7 Feb 2008)

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

For me, the healthy weight will be 50.9786 kg (BMI = 18.5) to 63.10324 kg (BMI = 22.9).

To make it simpler, my healthy weight = 51 kg to 63 kg.

According to Health Promotion Board of Singapore, Singaporeans with BMI values of 23 kg/m2 and above have been found to be at risk of developing heart disease and diabetes.
To be healthy, I must have healthy weight.
Be as lean as possible without becoming underweight.

2008-02-28 My Living Diary

Today is 28 Feb 2008, Thu.

At 0720 hour, my weight = 54.8 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.886.
(Note: Watson scale = 54.6 kg)

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 54.8 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1573.75 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-28: (A) 0045hr to 0645 hr = 6 hours 0 minutes
2008-02-28: (B) 0930hr to 1030 hr = 1 hours 0 minutes (Bad Sleep)
2008-02-28: (C) 1800hr to 1900 hr = 1 hours 0 minutes (Good Sleep)

Total sleep on 0802298 = 8 hours 0 minutes

Food taken on 2008-02-28, Thu

1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
Mixed 2-veg rice curry+black gravy mkt (Cabbage+spinach+ taukua)
110g Banana Raw USDA (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)
1 x Cafe21 coffee (Bee Sun)
3 in 1 cooffe (bee Sun)
100g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.)
2 x slice(s) of Gardenia high fibre white bread
1 serve Mixed grains + sweet potato Ref: H08B27
100g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.)

Statistics of the food and water taken today

(A) Energy required by my weight (kcal) =1573.75
(B) Actual Energy taken in the day (kcal) =1371.90
(C ) Energy Deficit for the day in kcal = (A) - (B) =201.85
(D) Total Water taken today (litres) =1.50
(E) Total Dietary Fibre taken in the day (grams) =23.35
(F) Total Protein taken in the day (grams) =22.70
(G) Total Fat taken in the day (grams) =12.97
(H) Total sugar taken in the day (grams) =37.83

Dietary Supplements taken today (w.e.f. 080217)

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)
(c) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(d) 2 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)
(e) 1 x Synergy brand garlic tablet (Ca 58 mg, Phosphorus 46 mg, garlic bulb 400 mg)[Stopped taking on 080129 and resumed on 080210]
(f) 3 tablets of men’s formula (consisting of mainly total 15g of zinc and a proprietary blend) from 080217 but stooped taking on 080220
(g ) 1 x 50 mg zinc tablet (GNC) from 080228

Mental Exercise on 080228 = 2 hours (From 2200hr)

Physical Exercise on 080228 = NIL

Bowel Movement on 080228: 1 x Big (0030 hr. Well formed Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Bowel Movement on 080228: 1 x Medium to Big (2145 hr. Well formed Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

2008-02-27 My Living Diary

Today is 27th Feb, Wed

At 0700 hour, my weight = 55.5 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.140

Based on my weight of 55.5 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1586.25 Kcalories (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-27: (A) 0100 hr to 0700 hr = 4 hours 0 minutes.
2008-02-27: (B) 1400 hr to 1500 hr = 1 hours 0 minutes.

Mental Exercise = 2 hours (fr 0900 h) + 2 hour (from 1500 hr)

Bowel Movement on 080227:1 x small (1330 hr. Well formed Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

2008-02-26 My Living Diary

Today is 26th Feb, Tuesday.

At 0540 hour, my weight = 55.5 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.140

Based on my weight of 55.5 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1586.25 Kcalories (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-26: (A) 0130 hr to 0530 hr = 4 hours 0 minutes.
2008-02-26: (B) 1030 hr to 1130 hr = 1 hours 0 minutes.
2008-02-26: (B) 1430 hr to 1530 hr = 1 hours 0 minutes.

Mental Exercise = 2 hours (fr 1600h) + 2 hours (2000 hr)

Bowel Movement on 080226:1 x Medium (0945 hr. Well formed Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Monday, February 25, 2008

2008-02-25 My Living Diary

Today is 25th Feb., Mon.

At 0440 hour, my weight = 56.3 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.431.

Based on my weight of 56.3 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1600.00 Kcalories (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-25: (A) 0130 hr to 0430 hr = 3 hours 0 minutes.
2008-02-25: (B) 0930 hr to 1100 hr = 1 hours 30 minutes.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

2008-02-24 My Living Diary

Today is 24th Feb. 2008, Sunday.

At 0740 hour, my weight = 56.2 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.394.

Based on my weight of 56.2 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1597.50 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-24: (A) 0130 hr 0730 hr = 6 hours 30 minutes.
2008-02-24: (B) 0930 hr 1100 hr = 1 hours 30 minutes

Bowel Movement on 080224: 1 x Medium to Big (0915 hr. Well formed Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Saturday, February 23, 2008

2008-02-23My Living Diary

Today is 23rd February 2008, Saturday.

At 0640 hour, my weight = 55.2 kg (Camry) BMI = 20.031

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 55.2 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1581.25 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-23: (A) 0300 hr to 0630 hr = 3 hours 30 minutes
2008-02-23: (B) 1000 hr to 1100 hr = 1 hours 0 minutes

Friday, February 22, 2008

2008-02-22 My Living Diary

Today is 22nd February 2008, Friday.

At 0440 hour, my weight = 54.7 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.850

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 54.7 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1572.5 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-22: (A) 0000 hr to 0430 hr = 4 hours 30 minutes

Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Daily Healthy Living KPI Version 3 ( Ref: H08B21)

Note: KPI = Key Performance Indicators

>> Have daily plan and execute it. (New addition for Version 3)

>> Sleep 7 to 8 hours a day.

>> Go to bed by midnight.

>> Optimal Blood Pressure after waking up in the morning: SYSTOIC less than 120 mmHg, DIASTOLIC less than 80 mmHg

>> My BMI should be within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

>> Drinking Water: 1.5 Litres daily

>> Maximum two cups of coffee a day

>> Physical Exercise 50 minutes a day (including 10 min warm up and 10 min cool down)

>> Mental exercise: 3 hours a day

>> TV time: = Maximum 1 hour a day

>> Bowel Movements: At least one medium-size or two small-sizes daily. Banana-shaped. Brown.

>> Non-work related computer or internet time = Maximum1 hour daily

>> Reading Newspapers should be less than 1 hour a day (New addition for Version 3)

>> Reading a book 1 hour a day (New addition for Version 3)

>> Have daily KPI Achievement Report (New addition for Version 3)

Recipe of Mixed grains +Black Sesame Powder +Sweet potato Ref: H08B21

100g brown rice
200g Sweet potato, raw, Indonesia
20g Buckwheat
20g Barley Pearl
20g Organic Red Lentil
20g Black Sesame Powder
20g crushed corn yellow

Cook with Slow cooker.
Add water 0.8 litres
Cook for about 6 hours just leaving the cooker alone

Total = 2 serves

Key information of each serve

Energy = 450.65 kcal
10.10g of dietary fibre,
22.92g of protein
5.42g of fat

Whole grains may curb belly fat, inflammation [Ref: H08B21]


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Cutting calories helps people lose weight, but doing so by filling up on whole grains may be particularly heart-healthy, new research suggests.

In a study of obese adults at risk of heart disease, researchers found that those who trimmed calories and increased their whole-grain intake shed more belly fat and lowered their blood levels of C- reactive protein or CRP.

CRP is a marker of chronic, low-level inflammation in the blood vessels, and both abdominal fat and CRP, in excess, are linked to heart attack and stroke.

In contrast, dieters in the study who mainly ate refined grains, like white bread, were able to lose weight, but they trimmed less fat from the middle and showed no change in CRP.
The findings offer yet more incentive for Americans to opt for whole grains over highly processed versions, according to the researchers.

"This is the first clinical study to prove that a diet rich in whole grains can lead to weight loss and reduce the risk of several chronic diseases," Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton, the senior researcher on the study, said in a statement.

She and her colleagues at Pennsylvania State University report the findings in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

In general, experts recommend eating whole grains -- such as oatmeal, brown rice and barley -- rather than refined grains, like white bread and other products made from white flour. Whole-grain foods retain more of the nutrients and fiber components of the grain.

This fact might explain why dieters in the current study showed added benefits when they ate whole grains, according to the researchers. For example, fiber-rich foods may have kept participants' blood sugar levels more stable throughout the day, and this, in turn, may have lowered their CRP levels.

Alternatively, CRP might have dropped because of the antioxidant nutrients that are present in whole grains but depleted in refined ones.

The study included 50 obese men and women who had metabolic syndrome, a collection of several risk factors for diabetes, heart disease and stroke -- such as abdominal obesity, high blood pressure and high blood sugar.

All of the study participants cut calories for 12 weeks, but half were instructed to strive for whole grains, while the rest were told to choose refined grains. The whole-grain group was told to look for products with "whole grain" listed as the first ingredient on the label.

In the end, the average weight loss was about 8 to 11 pounds in both groups. However, the average CRP level dropped by 38 percent in the whole-grain group, while remaining unchanged in the refined-grain group. In addition, while both groups showed a similar change in waistline size, the whole-grain dieters showed a greater reduction in the percentage of fat around the middle.

The researchers recommend that consumers look at labels and be careful to choose products that are good sources of whole grain.

"There are a lot of foods around that claim they contain whole grain but are not really major sources of whole grain," Kris-Etherton said. She suggested looking for foods like oatmeal, breakfast cereals made from whole grains, whole-wheat pastas, granola and popcorn.

As a general rule, she said, consumers should buy grain products that are at least 51 percent whole grain. Products that put health claims about whole grains on their labels are required to contain at least that much whole grain.

SOURCE: American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, January 2008.

2008-02-21 My Living Diary

Today is 21st February 2008, Thu

At 0540 hour, my weight = 54.7 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.850
(Note: Watson = 54.8 kg)

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 54.7 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1572.5 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-21: (A) 0000 hr to 0500 hr = 5 hours 0 minutes
2008-02-21: (B) 1110 hr to 1140 hr = 0 hours 30 minutes
2008-02-21: (C) 1410 hr to 1540 hr = 1 hours 30 minutes

Total sleep on 080221 = 7 hours 0 minutes

Food taken on 2008-02-21, Thu.

1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
1 x Nescafe with milk + sugar (Nissan)
90g Banana Raw USDA (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)(Standard)
1 mixed 3-veg rice BRR mkt (Cabbage+ spinach+caixin)
100g Fortune brand Tau Kua (400g per pack, 4.9g fibre, 100kcal per 100g)
100g Fortune brand Tau Kua (400g per pack, 4.9g fibre, 100kcal per 100g)
150g Tomato Raw
90g Banana Raw USDA (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)(Standard)
1 serve of Mixed grains + sweet potato + red lentil Ref: H08B21
90g Orange (all varieties 47kcal/100 g.+ fibre 2.4 g/100g)
100g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.)
About 10 almonds and cashew nuts from latte taken with regret later

Statistics of the food and water taken today

(A) Energy required by my weight (kcal) =1572.5
(B) Actual Energy taken in the day (kcal) =1524.15
(C ) Energy Deficit for the day in kcal = (A) - (B) =48.35
(D) Total Water taken today (litres) =1.80
(E) Total Dietary Fibre taken in the day (grams) =32.44
(F) Total Protein taken in the day (grams) =49.91
(G) Total Fat taken in the day (grams) =32.15
(H) Total sugar taken in the day (grams) =53.54

Dietary Supplements taken today (w.e.f. 080217)

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)
(c) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(d) 2 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)
(e) 1 x Synergy brand garlic tablet (Ca 58 mg, Phosphorus 46 mg, garlic bulb 400 mg)[Stopped taking on 080129 and resumed on 080210]

Physical exercise: 25 minutes (Walking. From 0920 hr. Nissan/MKT/H. About 2.0 km)

Physical exercise: 25 minutes (Walking. From 1648 hr. H/Nissan. About 2.0 km)

Total Physical exercise on 080221 = 50 minutes. Walking. About 4 km.

Mental exercise = NIL

Bowel Movement on 080221:1 x Big (1330 hr. Soft Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2008-02-20 My Living Diary

Today is 20th February 2008, Wed.

At 0540 hour, my weight = 55.1 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.995.
(Note: Watson = 54.8 kg)

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 55.1 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1578.75 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-20: (A) 0000 hr to 0500 hr = 5 hours 0 minutes
2008-02-20: (B) 0930 hr to 1100 hr = 1 hours 30 minutes
2008-02-20: (C) 1400 hr to 1600 hr = 1 hours 30 minutes (Note: For (C ) after waking up, still feel sleepy and tired)

Total sleep on 080220 = 8 hours 0 minutes

Food taken on 2008-02-20, Wed.

1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
90g Banana Raw USDA (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)(Standard)
Mixed 2-veg rice MKT Curry+black Gravy (Cabbage+spinach+ taukua)
90g Orange (all varieties 47kcal/100 g.+ fibre 2.4 g/100g)
90g Banana Raw USDA (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)(Standard)
1 Serve of Mixed grains + peanuts+ black sesame poweder H08B19
100g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.)
90g Banana Raw USDA (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)(Standard)
110g Orange (all varieties 47kcal/100 g.+ fibre 2.4 g/100g)

Statistics of the food and water taken today

(A) Energy required by my weight (kcal) =1578.75
(B) Actual Energy taken in the day (kcal) =1280.75
(C ) Energy Deficit for the day in kcal = (A) - (B) =298.00
(D) Total Water taken today (litres) =1.80
(E) Total Dietary Fibre taken in the day (grams) =25.52
(F) Total Protein taken in the day (grams) =16.52
(G) Total Fat taken in the day (grams) =15.38
(H) Total sugar taken in the day (grams) =61.67

Dietary Supplements taken today (w.e.f. 080217)

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)
(c) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(d) 2 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)
(e) 1 x Synergy brand garlic tablet (Ca 58 mg, Phosphorus 46 mg, garlic bulb 400 mg)[Stopped taking on 080129 and resumed on 080210]
(f) 3 tablets of men’s formula (consisting of mainly total 15g of zinc and a proprietary blend) from 080217

Physical Exercise on 080220
= Nil

Bowel Movement on 080220: 1 x Medium to Big (0915 hr. well-formed rough Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

2008-02-19 My Living Diary

Today is 19 Feb, Tue.

At 0530 hour, my weight = 55.5 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.140.

Based on my weight of 55.5 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1586.25 Kcal (Sedentary).

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-19: (A) 0030 hr to 0500 hr = 4 hours 30 minutes
2008-02-19: (B) 0900 hr to 1030 hr = 1 hours 30 minutes
2008-02-19: (C) 1430 hr to 1530 hr = 1 hours 0 minutes

Totals sleep on 080219 = 7 hours 0 minutes

Food taken on 2008-02-19, Tue

1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
1 x sliceof Gardenia high fibre white bread
90g Banana Raw USDA (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)(Standard)
100g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.)
1 serve of Mixed grains Ref: H08B17
90g Banana Raw USDA (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)(Standard)
150g Tomato Raw
1 Serve of Mixed grains + peanuts+ black sesame poweder H08B19
130g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.)
1 x Milo Fuze 3 in 1 (30g/serving)

Statistics of the food and water taken today

(A) Energy required by my weight (kcal) =1586.25
(B) Actual Energy taken in the day (kcal) = 1414.70
(C ) Energy Deficit for the day in kcal = (A) - (B) =171.55
(D) Total Water taken today (litres) =1.80
(E) Total Dietary Fibre taken in the day (grams) =34.74
(F) Total Protein taken in the day (grams) =35.42
(G) Total Fat taken in the day (grams) =15.37
(H) Total sugar taken in the day (grams) =50.32

Dietary Supplements taken today (w.e.f. 080217)

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)
(c) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(d) 2 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)
(e) 1 x Synergy brand garlic tablet (Ca 58 mg, Phosphorus 46 mg, garlic bulb 400 mg)[Stopped taking on 080129 and resumed on 080210]
(f) 3 tablets of men’s formula (consisting of mainly total 15g of zinc and a proprietary blend) from 080217

Physical Exercise on 080219 = Nil

Mental Exercise on 080219: 1600 hr to 1800 hr = 2 hours (Ref: T-h08b19-1st-CY)

Bowel Movement on 080219: 1 x Big (1045 hr. Soft Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Monday, February 18, 2008

Dietary Supplements taken daily (w.e.f. 080217)

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)
(c) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(d) 2 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)
(e) 1 x Synergy brand garlic tablet (Ca 58 mg, Phosphorus 46 mg, garlic bulb 400 mg)[Stopped taking on 080129 and resumed on 080210]
(f) 3 tablets of men’s formula (consisting of mainly total 15g of zinc and a proprietary blend) from 080217.

2008-02-18 My Living Diary

Today is 18 Feb, Monday.

At 0530 hour, my weight = 55.5 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.140.

Based on my weight of 55.5 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1586.25 Kcal (Sedentary).

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-18: (A) 0030 hr to 0500 hr = 4 hours 30 minutes

Sunday, February 17, 2008

2008-02-17 My Living Diary

Today is 17 Feb 2008, Sunday.

At 0630 hour, my weight = 55.6 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.177.

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 55.6 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1587.5 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-17: (A) 0100 hr to 0630 hr = 5 hours 30 minutes. (Bad sleep because of 3 cups of coffee yesterday?)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

2008-02-16My Living Diary

Today is 16 Feb 2008, Sat.

At 0740 hour, my weight = 56.0 kg (Camry), BMI = 20.322.

Based on my weight of 56.0 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1595.00 Kcal (Sedentary). (1909.5 kcal for moderate activity level.).

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-16: (A) 0300 hr to 0730 hr = 3 hours 30 minutes

Friday, February 15, 2008

2008-02-15 My Living Diary

Today is 15 Feb, Friday.

At 0530 hour, my weight = 55.5 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.140.

Based on my weight of 55.5 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1586.25 Kcal (Sedentary).

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-15: (A) 0030 hr to 0430 hr = 4 hours 0 minutes
2008-02-15: (B) 0830 hr to 1130 hr = 3 hours 0 minutes
2008-02-15: (C) 1400 hr to 1500 hr = 1 hours 0 minutes

Total sleep on 080215 = 8 hours 0 minutes

Bowel Movement on 080215:1 x Medium to Big (1300 hr. Well formed Banana-shaped stools. Yellowish Brown. Sunk. )

Note on Medical Matter on 080215: This morning (15th Feb 2008) just after waking up my urine was full of bubbles and foams, the worst I have seen so far. Any problem with kidney? Or is this due to some “bad food “ taken during Chinese New Year. I must monitor the situation!

Since 080211, I have not been feeling well and tired probably due to the unhealthy food and preservatives and food additives. So from now on I must be very careful on the food I put into my mouth!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

2008-02-14 My Living Diary

Today is 14 Feb 2008, Thu.

At 0430 hour, my weight = 55.8 kg (Camry) BMI = 20.249.

Based on my weight of 55.8 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1591.25 Kcal (Sedentary). (1909.5 kcal for moderate activity level.)

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-14: (A) 0030 hr to 0430 hr = 4 hours 0 minutes

Note: Last night at about 2355 hr, I started to take antibiotics for my mouth ulcers probably due to the food I took during Chinese New Year.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Recipe of Mixed Grains Ref: H08B12

50g brown rice
200g Sweet potato, raw,
20g Barley Pearl
20g corn yellow crushed
20g Buckwheat
20g White Wheat
20g Black Sesame Powder
20g Organic Red Lentil
20g Peanuts, all types, raw

Cook with Slow cooker.
Add water 1.2 litres
Cook for about 8 hours just leaving the cooker alone

Total = 2 serves

Key information of each serve

Energy = 450.85 kcal
10.92g dietary fibre,
14.7g of protein
9.03g of fat

2008-02-13 My Living Diary

Today is 13th Feb. 2008, Wed.

At 0540 hour, my weight = 56.2 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.394.

Based on my weight of 56.2 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1597.50 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-13: (A) 0030 hr to 0500 hr = 4 hours 30 minutes.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why Eat Raw? Nature Always Right, Cooks Never.


Nature Always Right, Cooks Never: Why Eat Raw?

By Tonya Zavasta

It seems pathetic that we aspire to create a new product as “natural” as possible but destroy the very natural ingredients in the process. New packaged products appear on the market every day. Each time you try one of these new products, you are foregoing the old-fashioned fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. As a result, you will not get enough nutrients from your meal.

Researchers are excited whenever they discover new benefits in produce of particular colors. The bright vibrant colors of fresh produce, such as the deep green of leafy vegetables, the lilac of blueberries, or the red of strawberries are a sign that this produce is packed with antioxidants, called polyphenols.

The brighter the color of the fruit or vegetable, the more nutrient combatants it has to prevent degenerative diseases. Now picture what happens to the original rainbow of colors after cooking. The colors fade like old laundry. How can it not be more obvious to us: by tampering with natural products, we are losing something essential for our health and beauty.

There is a scarcity of nourishment, but not of meals. In this country, we face unprecedented temptations. America is preoccupied with eating like no other country in the world. By giving in to the skillful seductions of the advertisers to try “new food," our bodies are starving while we constantly chew and swallow. Ironically, the variety and affordability of foodstuffs leads us to become overfed and at the same time undernourished. The best way to resist these temptations is to develop an attitude towards cooked food in general and adopt the raw food lifestyle.

Mark Twain wrote: “To eat is human, to digest divine.” We need enzymes to digest food. Our living body also needs enzymes for every other operation and chemical reaction to take place. Enzymes constitute the difference between life and death. Only living organisms can produce enzymes, but their capacity to make enzymes is limited and exhaustible.

Our body hosts two types of enzymes: metabolic enzymes, which run our bodies, and digestive enzymes, which participate in digesting our food. Only raw and living foods follow nature’s design and come with their own food enzymes to aid digestion. They are responsible for the release of nutrients out of the foods we eat. Dr. Edward Howell writes in his remarkable book Enzyme Nutrition that heat over 118° F kills enzymes. If food is cooked, it does not carry enzymes, and the body is forced to use up its own digestive enzymes.

Only living organisms, be it a human being, an animal, or a plant, possess enzymes. No one would ever argue that a dead person is the same as a living one just because the chemical composition of the body is the same. And yet we never think twice about allegations that cooked food is as good as raw food or better.

The plant world possesses integrity and the “life factor.” From an enzymatic approach, a picked up fruit or a cut off green is still alive, even though its own source of nourishment has been cut off. Seeds and nuts will reproduce if put into the soil, fruits will continue to ripen even after they have been picked from the tree, a vegetable--be it a carrot, onion, or potato--when put into the ground will sprout.

Enzymes are combinations of proteins, vitamins, and minerals in an active molecular form. Chemists are able to synthesize some of these nutrients, but they have not been able to “breathe life” into them. The “life factor” has never been and probably never will be re-created.

Enzymes are very particular. They cannot tolerate heat, microwave irradiation, or pasteurization. Cooking always removes or spoils the goodness of food. Cooked food points down to the grave, because it is dead. Only humans apply heat to what they eat.

Presently, humans apply heat to most of their food prior to consumption. Humans on average as a race, die at or below half their potential life span of chronic illness that is largely diet and lifestyle related. “You won't be surprised that diseases are innumerable--count the cooks.” -- Seneca (4 BC-AD 65), Epistles Cooking is the most profound abuse of food.

Cookbooks are full of recipes on how to smother the life out of a meal. The more creative they are in doing so, the more honor we attribute to the cooks. The concept of great cuisine is based on the opinion that plain fruits or vegetables are not appealing to the eye or satisfying to our taste.

Natural food is seen as an enemy. The less the dish reminds one of the original ingredients, the prouder the cooks become. Raw produce is treated not like the divine food but as something to be mutilated and manipulated. It is even called “from scratch,” as if it is a second-class product needing an upgrade. And yet, man is not capable of producing even a simple meal without using the basic ingredients he did not make. The talent of the cook should be applied elsewhere, because the basic fruits and vegetables he begins with are nutritionally superior to the most sophisticated creations he ends up with.

Traditional cooking alters the taste buds into being incapable of appreciating the flavor and taste of raw fruits and vegetables. We become more concerned with pleasing our perverted palate and satisfying our coarse sensation than with providing nourishment to our body.

By cooking our food, we are killing nutrients that keep us alive and healthy. After we grill or roast, bake or boil, sauté or stew, we produce some decadent matter with no nutritional value and only by using salt or sugar abundantly can we get it to pass our taste buds. All cooks rely on salt, sugar, and spices to have their creations appreciated.

Cooking without spices smells awful. Not surprisingly, spices were originally used to disguise decaying and decomposing food. How delicious is a fresh apple! But we put it in an oven and it becomes a squashy, mushy, shriveled mass requiring a load of sugar so one can eat it.

In cooking, the original colors of fruits and vegetables are dulled and the initial variety of flavors is altered. Make no mistake, the nutritional value is gone as well. It is ironic, but not incidental, that fresh produce is used for decoration of this bland and dead food.

We decorate this lifeless, tasteless, and shapeless mess with fresh green leaves and brightly colored veggies to deceive our eyes. We add spices to disguise the smell. We load it with sugar and salt to cheat our taste buds. Nowadays, health-conscious people know processed food is devoid of nutrients and try their best to avoid it. But somehow, home cooking escapes the stigma of “processed.” Cooking is processing! And the difference between home cooking and manufactured foodstuffs is the same difference as between “dead” and “very dead.” We hear everywhere the less food is processed, the better. Why process it at all?

Most Americans do not eat the 5-9 recommended servings of fruit and vegetables each and every day. And if you haven’t heard yet…in January 2005 these government recommended allotments have been increased to 9-13 serving. Between the lines government is telling us in order to be healthy we need to go on the raw food diet. Since if you eat 13 servings of fresh fruit and vegetables per day you will not need or want anything else.

"This article may be freely reprinted as long as the entire article and byline are included."

2008-02-12 My Living Diary

Note: The above bird survived the injury. Human beings should not hurt any bird!

Today is 12 Fen 2008, Tue.

At 0540 hour, my weight = 56.5 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.503.

Based on my weight of 56.5 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1602.5 Kcalories (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-12: (A) 0030 hr to 0500 hr = 4 hours 30 minutes.

Monday, February 11, 2008

The 80/10/10 Diet [Ref: H08B11-2225g]


80/10/10 is a fruitarian diet with very low protein and fat. It's called 80/10/10 because it advocates 80% fruit or carbohydrate, 10% protein and 10% fat.

Author: Dr. Douglas N. Graham
Paperback: 348 pages
Publisher: FoodnSport Press; 1 edition (November 15, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1893831248
ISBN-13: 978-1893831247
Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 5.9 x 0.9 inches
To order: Visit
Author’s website:

Product Description

After more than 5 years of intensive work the definitive guide to the 80/10/10 Diet is here! Get your hands on the latest book by Dr. Douglas Graham, The 80/10/10 Diet: Balancing Your Health, Your Weight, and Your Life One Luscious Bite at a Time. If you have struggled with staying raw, would like to lose weight, or change your life for the better, look no further than this groundbreaking book.

About the Author

Dr. Douglas Graham, a lifetime athlete and twenty-seven year raw fooder, is an advisor to world-class athletes and trainers from around the globe. He has worked professionally with top performers from almost every sport and every field of entertainment, including such notables as tennis legend Martina Navratilova, NBA pro basketball player Ronnie Grandison, track Olympic sprinter Doug Dickinson, pro women's soccer player Callie Withers, championship bodybuilder Kenneth G. Williams, Chicken Soup for the Soul coauthor Mark Victor Hansen, and actress Demi Moore. As owner of a fasting retreat in the Florida Keys for ten years, Dr. Graham personally supervised thousands of fasts. He was in private practice as a chiropractor for twenty years, before retiring to focus more fully on his writing and speaking. Dr. Graham is the author of many books on raw food and health including The High Energy Diet Recipe Guide, Nutrition and Athletic Performance, Grain Damage, Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries and The 80/10/10 Diet. He has shared his strategies for success with audiences at more than 4,000 presentations worldwide and is recognized as one of the fathers of the modern raw food movement.

2008-02-11 My Living Diary

Today is 11 Feb 2008, Mon.

At 0540 hour, my weight = 57.4 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.830.

Based on my weight of 57.4 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1618.75 Kcal (Sedentary).

The last time I had this weight of 57.4 kg was on 26 December 2007, Wednesday.

I would be on only CRON again from 11 Feb 2008!

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-11: (A) 0030 hr to 0500 hr = 4 hours 30 minutes
2008-02-11: (B) 1100 hr to 1230 hr = 1 hours 30 minutes

Physical Exercise on 080211 = 40 minutes. From 0920hr. Stretching = 5 minutes. Slow walk = 5 minutes, Slow Brisk Walk –stop-and-walk = 25 minutes. Cool down = 5 minutes.) About 2.6 km.

Bowel Movement on 080211:1 x Big (07450 hr. Well formed Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Note: Due to the indiscriminate eating since Chinese New Year Eve on 6 Feb 2008, my weight has increased from 54.8 kg to 57.4 kg this morning. Also I have got mouth ulcers as a result. So from today I must have healthy diet again from 11 Feb 2008!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

From 2008-02-10 Dietary Supplements to be taken daily

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)
(c) 1 x 50 mg zinc tablet (GNC)
(d) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(e) 2 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)
(f) 1 x Synergy brand garlic tablet (Ca 58 mg, Phosphorus 46 mg, garlic bulb 400 mg)[Stopped taking on 080129 and resumed on 080210]

The New York Times Health Guide [Ref: H08B10]


More than 3,000 topics described, illustrated and investigated

The New York Times presents a comprehensive library of medical topics, including in-depth articles on diseases, conditions, tests, symptoms, injuries and surgeries. The encyclopedic reference is frequently updated and reviewed by doctors, medical writers and editors. Within the guide are extensive links to The Times's own archive of news and features.

The Times Guide also includes Times Essentials, a series of articles by reporters for The New York Times that provides the latest news on the most common diseases and conditions. Times Essentials puts the most recent scientific findings in perspective and includes interviews with leading experts as well as links to a wide range of resources designed to help you better understand and manage your health.

Please click at The New York Times Health Guide for detailed information.

2008-02-10My Living Diary

Today is 10 Feb 2008, Sunday.

At 0840 hour, my weight = 56.4 kg (Camry) and BMI = 20.467.

Based on my weight of 56.4 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1601.25 Kcalories (Sedentary).

The last time I had this weight of 56.4 kg was on 26 December 2007, Wednesday.

I would be on only CRON again from 11 Feb 2008!

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-10: (A) 0100 hr to 0330 hr = 2 hours 30 minutes
2008-02-10: (B) 0600 hr to 0830 hr = 2 hours 30 minutes

2008-02-09 My Living Diary

Today is 9 Feb 2008, Saturday

At 0830 hour, my weight = 55.8 kg (Camry) BMI = 20.249.

Based on my weight of 55.8 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1591.25 Kcal (Sedentary). (1909.5 kcal for moderate activity level.)

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-09: (A) 0100 hr to 0830 hr = 7 hours 30 minutes

Friday, February 8, 2008

2008-02-08 My Living Diary

Today is 8 February 2008, Fri.

At 0900 hour, my weight = 54.9 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.923.

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 54.9 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1576.25 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-08: (A) 0230 hr to 0830 hr = 6 hours 0 minutes

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Unhealthy Food on 2008-02-06 (Fatty Pork)

Once a year on the Chinese New Year Eve, I would eat a lot of braised fatty pork cooked by my mother or brother.

This pork is very unhealthy!

But like what people say: Once in a while is OK.

2008-02-07 My Living Diary

Today is 7 February 2008, Thursday.

At 0940 hour, my weight = 54.5 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.777.
(Note: Watson = 54.2 kg)

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 54.5 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1568.75 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-07: (A) 0300 hr to 0930 hr = 6 hours 30 minutes

Food taken on 2008-02-07, Thu

100g Tomato Raw
1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
70g Banana Raw USDA (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)(Standard)
100g Grapes (Grapes, american type (slip skin), raw)
100g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.)
1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
New Year cakes, cookies
New Yaer Lunch including rice, fat pork, fish, Little eveg, chicken, coffee etc
New Year Dinner including Beehoon, mushroom, cakes,

Statistics of the food and water taken today

(A) Energy required by my weight (kcal) =1568.75
(B) Actual Energy taken in the day (kcal) =2011.30
(C ) Energy Deficit for the day in kcal = (A) - (B) =-442.55
(D) Total Water taken today (litres) =0.50
(E) Total Dietary Fibre taken in the day (grams) =5.85
(F) Total Protein taken in the day (grams) =42.54
(G) Total Fat taken in the day (grams) =33.51

Dietary Supplements taken today:

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)
(c) 1 x 50 mg zinc tablet (GNC) (Not taken on 080207)
(d) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(e) 1 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)

Physical Exercise on 080207 = 40 minutes. From 1155 hr. Stretching = 5 minutes. Slow walk = 5 minutes, Slow Brisk Walk –stop-and-walk = 25 minutes. Cool down = 5 minutes.) About 2.6 km.

Mental Exercise = NIL

Bowel Movement on 080207:1 x Medium (0145 hr. Well formed Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Bowel Movement on 080207:1 x Medium to big (1330 hr. Well formed Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Why healthy eating is good for you [Ref: H08B06-xinsun]

Eating a healthy diet that is high in fruit and vegetables, high in fibre, and low in sugar, salt and fat (especially saturated fat) can help to:

(1) Reduce your blood pressure

(2) Reduce your risk of heart disease

(3) Reduce your risk of stroke

(4) Reduce your risk of some types of cancer

(5) And, of course, avoid the unnecessary medical bills.

Hair Loss and Protein [Ref: H08B06-xinsun]

Malnutrition can be fatal. In more mild forms it can cause a host of symptoms that impact on every day life, from hair loss and muscle wastage to food cravings and lethargy.

Your hair is all protein. So if you have hair loss, you may be suffering from malnutrition or you need a protein rich diet.

Hair loss remedies include increasing the intake of green leafy vegetables, salads, milk and fruits. Take more proteins, milk, buttermilk, yeast, wheat germ, soybean, and vitamin A and other health supplements.

You may consult your doctor or nutritionist on your hair loss problem because there may be some other underlying causes for your hair loss.

2008-02-06 My Living Diary

Today is 6 Feb 2008, Wednesday.

At 0720 hour, my weight = 54.8 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.886.

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 54.8 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1573.75 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-06: (A) 0100 hr to 0700 hr = 6 hours 0 minutes
2008-02-06: (B) 1500 hr to 1630 hr = 1 hours 30 minutes

Total sleep on 080206 = 7 hours 30 minutes

Food taken on 2008-02-06, Wed

1 x Milo Fuze 3 in 1 (30g/serving)
1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
70g Banana Raw USDA (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)(Standard)
1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
100g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.)
1 serve Mixed grains + sweet potato Ref: H08B03
100g Grapes (Grapes, american type (slip skin), raw)
70g Banana Raw USDA (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)(Standard)
1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
Reunion dinner with fat pork, chicken, a little veg. (Beesun)
Tea Milk (Beesun)

Statistics of the food and water taken today

(A) Energy required by my weight (kcal) =1573.75
(B) Actual Energy taken in the day (kcal) =1662.29
(C ) Energy Deficit for the day in kcal = (A) - (B) =-88.54
(D) Total Water taken today (litres) =1.20
(E) Total Dietary Fibre taken in the day (grams) =18.10
(F) Total Protein taken in the day (grams) =36.49
(G) Total Fat taken in the day (grams) =43.19
(H) Total Sugar taken in the day (grams) (recorded fr 071123)=46.63

Dietary Supplements taken today:

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)
(c) 1 x 50 mg zinc tablet (GNC)
(d) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(e) 2 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)

Physical Exercise on 080206 = 40 minutes. From 1050 hr. Stretching = 5 minutes. Slow walk = 5 minutes, Slow Brisk Walk –stop-and-walk = 25 minutes. Cool down = 5 minutes.) About 2.6 km.

Mental Exercise = NIL

Bowel movement on 080206 = NIL

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My Unhealthy food on 2008-02-04

The above are two different versions of Nasi Lemak.

This evening at about 9.00 pm, I took Nasi Lemak brought back by Latte.

This Nasi Lemak consisted of green-coloured rice, fried egg, chicken wings, ikan bilis (i.e. anchovies) and fish balls.

To me, Nasi Lemak is an unhealthy food which should be taken only once in a while.

The last time I took it was at least a few years ago.

2008-02-05 My Living Diary

Today is 5 Feb 2008, Tue.

At 0540 hour, my weight = 55.1 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.995.
(Note: Watson = 54.8 kg)

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 55.1 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1578.75 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-05: (A) 0000 hr to 0500 hr = 5 hours 0 minutes

Monday, February 4, 2008

2008-02-04 My Living Diary

Today is 4 Feb 2008, Mon.

At 0640 hour, my weight = 55.1 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.995.
(Note: Watson = 54.8 kg)

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 55.1 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1578.75 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-04: (A) 0030 hr to 0430 hr = 4 hours 0 minutes
2008-02-04: (B) 0945 hr to 1115 hr = 1 hours 30 minutes
2008-02-04: (C) 1330 hr to 1630 hr = 3 hours 0 minutes

Total sleep for today = 8 hours 30 minutes

Food taken on 2008-02-04, Monday

1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
50g Banana Raw (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)
50g Banana Raw (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)
120g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.)
1 serve Mixed grains + sweet potato Ref: H08B03
80g Orange (all varieties 47kcal/100 g.+ fibre 2.4 g/100g)
36g of Gardenia Focaccia bread (actual = 40g)
100g Carrots, raw (41kcal/100g. And 2.8 fibre/100g.)
100g Tomato Raw
50g Banana Raw (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)
Nasi Lema with egg, ikan bilis, chicken wing, fish ball by TP
100g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.)

Statistics of the food and water taken today

(A) Energy required by my weight (kcal) =1578.75
(B) Actual Energy taken in the day (kcal) =1482.39
(C ) Energy Deficit for the day in kcal = (A) - (B) =96.36
(D) Total Water taken today (litres) =1.50
(E) Total Dietary Fibre taken in the day (grams) =23.89
(F) Total Protein taken in the day (grams) =34.21
(G) Total Fat taken in the day (grams) =18.72
(H) Total Sugar taken in the day (grams) (recorded fr 071123)=56.56

Dietary Supplements taken today:

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)
(c) 1 x 50 mg zinc tablet (GNC)
(d) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(e) 2 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)

Physical Exercise = NIL

Bowel Movement on 080204:1 x Big (10930 hr. Well formed Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Recipe of Mixed grains + sweet potato Ref: H08B03

The above is Qianshi (Gordon Euryale Seeds)

300g Pre-packed Multi grains
300g Sweet potato, raw, Indonesia ( use USDA)
30g dried Lotus seeds
20g Qianshi (Gordon Euryale Seeds)
2g Black Sesame Powder
50g Crushed Yellow

Cook with Slow cooker.
Add water 1.5 to 2 litres
Cook for about 8 to 10 y just leaving the cooker alone

Total = 4 serves

Key information of each serve

Energy = 455.69 kcal
10.46 g of dietary fibre,
11.47 g of protein
5.15 g of fat

Who are You? Who am I?

You are what you eat.
So eat the right foods.

You are what you think.
So think the right thoughts.

You are what you do.
So do the right things.

I am what I eat.
So eat the right foods.

I am what I think.
So think the right thoughts.

I am what I do.
So do the right things.

2008-02-03 My Living Diary

Today is 3 Feb 2008, Sun.

At 0640 hour, my weight = 55.1 kg (Camry) BMI = 19.995.

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

Based on my weight of 55.1 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1578.75 Kcal (Sedentary).

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-03: (A) 0030 hr to 0630 hr = 6 hours 0 minutes (Note: not good sleep. Woke up a few times. Cold!)

Saturday, February 2, 2008

2008-02-02 My Living Diary

Today is 2 Feb 2008, Saturday

At 0630 hour, my weight = 55.8 kg (Camry) BMI = 20.249.

Based on my weight of 55.8 kg and STI calorie need calculator, my calorie required today is 1591.25 Kcal (Sedentary). (1909.5 kcal for moderate activity level.)

My Sleep Monitor for today (starting on 071101):

2008-02-02: (A) 0130 hr to 0630 hr = 5 hours 0 minutes
2008-02-02: (B) 1610 hr to 1740 hr = 1 hours 30 minutes

Total sleep on 080202 = 6 hours 30 minutes

Food taken on 2008-02-02, Sat.

1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
1 x Cafe21 coffee (14g = 58kcal, no tansfat, no sugar, Na 5.9mg)
50g Banana Raw (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)
1 mixed 3-veg rice MKT Curry Gravy (Cabbage+ gailan+xiaobaicai)
100g Fortune brand Tau Kua (400g per pack, 4.9g fibre, 100kcal per 100g)
100g Fortune brand Tau Kua (400g per pack, 4.9g fibre, 100kcal per 100g)
50g Banana Raw (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)
1 x gardenia lite meal bun 35g
130g Orange (all varieties 47kcal/100 g.+ fibre 2.4 g/100g)
120g Apple No skin ( 48kcal/100g., 1.3 g fibre/100g.)
1 Serve Mixed grains + Red Lentil + sweet potato Ref: H08A30
120g Tomato Raw
50g Banana Raw (2.60 g/100g and 89 kcal/100g)
36g of Gardenia Focaccia bread (actual = 30g)

Statistics of the food and water taken today

(A) Energy required by my weight (kcal) =1591.25
(B) Actual Energy taken in the day (kcal) =1510.57
(C ) Energy Deficit for the day in kcal = (A) - (B) =80.68
(D) Total Water taken today (litres) =1.80
(E) Total Dietary Fibre taken in the day (grams) =36.88
(F) Total Protein taken in the day (grams) =45.72
(G) Total Fat taken in the day (grams) =22.18
(H) Total Sugar taken in the day (grams) (recorded fr 071123)=47.00

Dietary Supplements taken today:

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)
(c) 1 x 50 mg zinc tablet (GNC)
(d) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(e) 2 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)

Physical Exercise on 080202 = 45 minutes. From 1025 hr to 1105 hr. Stretching = 5 minutes. Slow walk = 5 minutes, Slow Brisk Walk –stop-and-walk = 30 minutes. Cool down = 5 minutes. During the exercise I picked up some litter and threw them into dustbins.) About 2.6 km.

Mental Exercise = NIL

Bowel Movement on 080202: 1 x Big (1330 hr. Soft Banana-shaped stools. Brown. Sunk. )

Friday, February 1, 2008

From 2008-02-01 Dietary Supplements to be taken daily

(a) 1 x Centrum multivitamin tablet
(b) 1 x 1000 mg vitamin C tablet (Kordel)
(c) 1 x 50 mg zinc tablet (GNC)
(d) 1 x Century Life maxi-hair tablet
(e) 2 x “Vitacal 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU). (Note: On 2008-1-17, replaced “Caltrate 600+D” calcium (600g) +Vitamin D (200 IU) with “Vitacal 600+D”)

Jan 2008 - Dietary Fibre, Bowel Movemernts, Water

Targeted Dietary Fibre to be taken daily is 25 g. to 30 g.

Targeted Plain Water to be taken daily is 2 litres.

Legends: B = Big, S = Small, M = Medium, SM = Small to Medium, MB = Medium to Big, VS = Very Small, NIL = No bowel movement


Dietary Fibre


Water taken






1B, 1S, 1SM




















1B, 1B








1M, 1M








1S, 1B








2VS, !SM












































































