Sunday, April 27, 2014

Endothelium, the “production house of Nitric Oxide

The following is from
Heart healthy choice: Supporting the endothelium
Impacts: Nitric Oxide production, blood flow, and blood pressure


Many people are taking steps to support the endothelium but don’t even realize it. In fact, you may have never even heard of this important organ before. Our bodies contain 6 trillion endothelial cells, which line 60,000 miles of blood vessels in a single layer; together, those 6 trillion cells make up an organ known as the endothelium.

As I found in my research, Nitric Oxide is one of the most important molecules in the cardiovascular system. Increased Nitric Oxide results in increased blood flow to the organs, which supports healthy blood pressure and a healthy cardiovascular system. 

But for all this to happen, the “production house” of Nitric Oxide – the endothelium – needs to be supported.

Doing the things we’ve already discussed – exercising, eating a healthy diet, lowering stress, and losing weight – all contribute to endothelial health. 

Supplementing with targeted nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, CoQ10, krill, garlic, and green tea also help keep your endothelium healthy by providing the nutrients it needs to function at its best. 

And a healthy endothelium results in healthy Nitric Oxide levels, which impacts blood flow and blood pressure – not to mention the functioning of the entire body.

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