Sunday, January 7, 2024

SCAMS - Points to note (Straits Times 2024-01-07)

*SCAMS* Points to note: 

You should not click on links in messages. Always check the domain name of the website to ensure that it belongs to a legitimate entity before you key in your details.

Pay attention to bank alerts closely so that you can quickly detect a scam to minimise your losses.

Following banks’ security tips can shield you from scams
How you can shield your CPF and bank accounts from scammers
Despite the almost daily reminders of scams, it is bewildering why so many people continue to fall for the same tricks.

One possible reason is that these victims don’t have the habit of reading news. Ironically, they would be quick to alert newsrooms the moment they are scammed, even though doing so would not help them to recover their money.

So here are three resolutions to make for the new year.

1. Keep up to date with the news because it pays to gain knowledge and information that can help you, your career and your family.

2. Don’t respond to ads from unknown merchants on social media, unless you have checked and know that these are from genuine businesses.

3. Never be tempted by good deals, free gifts and sure-win investments. If these are genuine, the advertisers would reserve these for their loyal customers and not offer them to strangers like you.

Always remember that when it comes to money, you are your best hope in keeping it safe.

Information source:

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