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3 tips that can save you from a renovation nightmare

You can avoid being taken for a ride on renovations if you know the prevailing cost for such work. PHOTO: ST FILE
Tan Ooi Boon
Invest Editor
Sep 14, 2024, 05:00 AM
Sep 14, 2024, 05:00 AM

Most of us compare prices when we shop online but when it comes to forking out for big-ticket items such as a home renovation, we often stick with the first and only contractor we see.

But getting quotes for such important work makes sense. There are good reasons why government agencies and companies make tender exercises compulsory for most projects – no one likes to be overcharged and you can avoid being taken for a ride if you know the prevailing cost of renovations.

Here are three tips that can save you tens of thousands of dollars, plus a lot of heartache, if you plan to renovate your home.

Get quotes from at least two companies

It’s not true that you need to pay at least $100,000 if you renovate, say a three-bedroom apartment. You could get the same work done for about $70,000 – with 30 per cent savings or more – if you know how certain standard work is priced.

Some owners like to believe that they have to pay top dollar because they engage award-winning designers whose services must surely cost more. But this cannot explain why some companies charge a few thousand dollars more for standard services that are not exceptional, such as hacking and demolition work.

While demolition work must be done properly, you certainly don’t need to pay more to get to the same pile of rubble.

If you pay attention to the costs of mundane and smaller tasks such as installing power points, you would realise that some contractors may charge about $50 for installing a single point while others would charge double. As a home would need 20 or more power points, you could end up paying over $1,000 extra just for this job.

If a contractor has the tendency to overcharge for small things, you won’t know whether other items in his list have been priced higher too, without a comparison quote from another company.

Finally, make sure the contractor is licensed by the HDB, even though you are renovating a private home. This step can prevent you from being taken for a ride by a fly-by-night operator who just wants your money.

Critical to work with professionals

Here’s a good reason to interview more than one home designer – you won’t want to hand over your home to someone who promises you the sky but yet has the tendency to turn your dream home into a nightmare.

Most designers are charming and obliging when they are eager to get your business but there are still many tell-tale signs that will allow you to choose wisely. For instance, a good designer truly listens and he won’t leave your home until he literally measures every nook and cranny that you want him to make over.

And to show you he really knows what you want, his proposal will be so detailed that he covers even the minor work that needs to be done.

Their proposals can be a good gauge of how reliable your candidates are. If you select your designer based on an incomplete proposal that looks cheaper, it indicates that the cost of many other jobs has not been considered.

This means you can be slapped with additional costs when you start to ask for work that was not detailed in the original contract.

Of course, if the designers don’t even bother to get back to you on time or always postpone appointments without good reasons, drop them because it is risky to let irresponsible people work on your most valuable asset.

Ask to see how end-result will look

Once you have made your choice, ask to see the computer-generated pictures of your proposed home makeover before the work starts so that you won’t get a nasty shock later. Technology means these are now standard services that come with the package – and without additional charges in most cases.

It is important to see these drawings, especially in cases where certain structures need to be taken down or erected. After all, some things seem like a good idea in theory but appear a real eyesore when you see it in a picture.

When it comes to renovation, you need to be happy with the outcome or you will live with the mistakes for many years.

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