Wednesday, May 31, 2023

終於再去新加坡🇸🇬 |去咗一個你諗唔到嘅民生商場Jurong Point:視察業務??又關領展事?|Gardens by the Bay 燈光show


Beauty Girl ❤️🎶(Italo Disco Korg Style ❤️🎶🎹🎵💕💕(Mix Music)🎶💕🎵


Can you see a horse?

《谦秋论》赖岳谦 第五百二十八集|美放下执念心怀天下吧!中已然是科技大国!|

壹蘋10點強打|黃仁勳2千萬維安保駕!1人拉抬台股1.44兆  外籍保鏢現蹤(狗仔直擊)|壹蘋新聞網


Google to delete inactive accounts starting from December 2023

Google to delete inactive accounts starting from December 2023


SAN FRANCISCO - Alphabet’s Google on Tuesday said it would delete accounts that have remained unused for two years starting from December, in a bid to prevent security threats including hacks.

The company said that if a Google account has not been used or signed in to for at least two years, it might delete the account and content across Google Workspace, which includes Gmail, Docs, Drive, Meet and Calendar, as well as YouTube and Google Photos.

The policy change applies only to personal Google accounts and not to those for organisations such as schools or businesses.

In 2020, Google said it would remove content stored in an inactive account, but not delete the account itself.

Starting from Tuesday, Google will send multiple notifications to the account e-mail address and recovery mail of the inactive accounts before deletion.

Last week, billionaire Elon Musk said Twitter would remove accounts that have been inactive for several years and archive them, saying that the action is “important to free up abandoned handles”. REUTERS

Twitter to remove inactive accounts
Google to pay $10.7m to settle claims of deceptive Pixel 4 smartphone ads, says Texas A-G

CPF: Debate on CPF Ordinary Account interest rate resurfaces as those for Special, MediSave accounts rise

CPF: Debate on CPF Ordinary Account interest rate resurfaces as those for Special, MediSave accounts rise

Debate on CPF Ordinary Account interest rate resurfaces as those for Special, MediSave accounts rise


SINGAPORE – The debate over the interest rate for the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Ordinary Account (OA) has been reignited on news that the rates for the Special Account (SA) and MediSave Account (MA) will go up by 0.01 percentage point, from 4 to 4.01 per cent, in the third quarter of this year.

This is the first time since 2008 that the interest rates for SA and MA will go above 4 per cent.

The Government implemented a floor interest rate of 4 per cent for the SA, MA and Retirement Account (RA) in 2008. The 4 per cent floor has been extended every year since then.

Putting the numbers in perspective, a 0.01 percentage point increase for a CPF member who has met this year’s full retirement sum of $198,800 represents an increase of $19.88 a year.

Dr Chua Hak Bin, regional co-head of macro research at Maybank, said: “This increase is minuscule relative to the rise in inflation and market interest rates.”

But he added that though small, it is “perhaps large in symbolism as the Government has not adjusted the rates for more than a decade”.

Economist Walter Theseira at the Singapore University of Social Sciences said the 0.01 percentage point increase “will add up to some money” if the entire population’s CPF savings are taken into account.

The interest rates for SA and MA are pegged to the average yield of 10-year Singapore Government Securities (10YSGS) over a 12-month period and are reviewed quarterly.

Associate Professor Theseira said SA and MA rates could go higher in the fourth quarter of this year as bond yields go up.

“The only question is whether the long-term yields will go up. They will only go up if expectations for future inflation are to rise significantly. In general, people think that inflation will be higher in the foreseeable future than it was in the past couple of decades,” he added.

Meanwhile, the interest rate for RA will remain at 4 per cent per annum. This is because the RA rate is reviewed annually, unlike SA and MA rates, which are reviewed quarterly.

The Government announced in 2022 that the RA rate will be maintained at 4 per cent from January to end-December 2023.

The OA interest rate will remain at 2.5 per cent per annum in the third quarter. This is because the calculated OA rate is 0.66 per cent, and therefore remains below the legislated minimum rate of 2.5 per cent.

The OA rate is based on the average of the three local banks’ savings and fixed deposit rates over a three-month period.

Mr Christopher Gee, senior research fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies, said the SA and MA rates are benchmarked against bond yields because the funds are for the longer term – retirement and hospitalisation expenses.

Special and MediSave Account interest rate to increase in Q3; other CPF accounts unchanged
How to maximise CPF savings to grow your nest egg for retirement
As OA funds can be used for housing finance, the interest is therefore based on shorter-term rates, he added.

Prof Theseira said the way of calculating the OA interest rate is “from the era when the basic deposit account was the main instrument that the banks offered to retail customers”.

Today, banks give bonus interest rates on their primary banking accounts to get customers to do all their banking transactions – such as salary crediting, credit card spending, savings or investments – with the bank, he noted.

He said the OA rate should reflect the banks’ special bonus rates as the “real opportunity cost of funds”, and therefore should actually be higher.

Still, he does not think it will cross the 2.5 per cent floor because the banks tie a lot of terms and conditions to the highest rates they promise.

Any changes to the OA rate will have to be thought through carefully, Mr Gee said, because the concessionary interest rate for Housing Board loans is pegged at 0.1 percentage point above the OA rate.

Prof Theseira said there is no reason the HDB loan rate has to be pegged to the OA rate. “The interest rate that you pay to buy a home could be different from the rate that you earn from OA savings,” he added.

He said one possibility is to peg the HDB loan rate to the tenor, for example, to the yields of 20-year or 30-year government securities.

Any changes to the OA rate will also impact a segment of the population who have used their CPF funds for their homes.

How to make your CPF savings work harder
Should CPF rate go up, as interest rates rise? Here’s how the CPF rate is calculated
Data from CPF showed that $2.9 billion was taken out from the fund by HDB flat and private property owners in the fourth quarter of 2022. These people will have to refund the principal they took out, plus accrued interest, to their CPF account when they sell their property. 

Accrued interest is the amount of interest a home buyer would have earned if he had not used his CPF savings for housing. A rise in the OA rate would mean the accrued interest he needs to return to his CPF account will be higher.

“There are implications for those who have purchased their homes using their CPF OA,” Mr Gee said.

“You cannot just ask for interest rate increases without thinking about the implications. You will also need to have a policy to help those people who are currently paying off their loans with their CPF (money).”

Some CPF members have, however, argued that CPF money is meant for retirement needs and should not be used for housing.

Mr Gee said the CPF system was designed to cater for both purposes.

When a CPF member is younger, more of his CPF contributions go into his OA to help finance his property purchase. As he gets older, more of his contributions will go into his SA and MA to meet his retirement and healthcare needs, respectively.

“By the time he retires, the housing loan would have been paid off. His MA then takes care of medical bills and his RA is his retirement income. That is the CPF model,” Mr Gee said.

4 myths that stop some from enjoying CPF’s benefits
How your CPF helps you plan for a purposeful retirement

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

静以修身 俭以养德


2023👏黃仁勳台大演說🌈中英字幕Nvidia Jensen Huang Commencement Speech@NTU 中文翻譯


沈颖:除了能体现组屋真正价值 转售市场也为屋主带来保障

沈颖:除了能体现组屋真正价值 转售市场也为屋主带来保障



国家发展部兼外交部高级政务部长沈颖星期一(5月29日)晚上出席《新明日报》与民情联系组联办的《好好谈一谈之住屋大件事》对话会,连同公共政策咨询新加坡(KantarPublic Singapore)政策发展、评估与数据分析主管梁振雄博士、资深艺人林茹萍及105名现场观众,共同探讨政府组屋和社区生活等课题。UFM100.3电台DJ伟龙是对话会主持人。








明年首批屋主入住社区关爱组屋 沈颖:当局将密切关注情况











林茹萍:多项政策 助年长者就地养老



她也说,拥有组屋的年长者可受惠于多项政策,帮助他们增加退休收入,就地养老。这包括通过屋契回购计划、大屋换小屋、乐龄安居花红(Silver Housing Bonus),或者出租房屋来增加每月收入。

需求最迫切 为年轻首购屋者提供更多援助






新优先组别设下三条件。首先,申购者必须是育有至少一个18岁及以下孩子的家庭,或是40岁及以下的夫妻。第二,他们从未拥有或出售任何住宅房地产。第三,他们过去五年没有机会选购预购组屋或剩余组屋。优先组别可在三方面获得购屋优势,包括在申购预购组屋或剩余组屋时有三次抽签机会、纳入家庭与育儿优先配屋计划(Family and Parenthood Priority Scheme,简称FPPS)、申购非成熟市镇的四房式或更小单位也将优先分配到保留给FPPS的单位。






申请非成熟市镇预购组屋 大多数三次内可搞定







被邻居噪音困扰 妇女“有家不能回”








沈颖:除了能体现组屋真正价值 转售市场也为屋主带来保障

一趟印度游,沿路直喊“牛”!我的印度所见所想#白宫義见 #chingyichang #张经义 (Ref. GoodGood, IndiaIndia)


50 most innovative companies of 2023 ( Innovation)

老人: 口腔健康照顾好 老来消化少烦恼

口腔健康照顾好 老来消化少烦恼










  • 学习口腔面部运动,增加吞咽肌肉的力量。
  • 维持牙龈与牙齿健康,如刷牙时使用软毛刷,在靠近牙龈边缘的部位轻刷,并使用含氟(fluoride)漱口水减少蛀牙。
  • 确保饮水量足够但避免过量,使口腔水分充足与唾液分泌稳定,有益于消化食物。






消化问题在任何人生阶段皆可能发生,但有些普遍的消化问题在年长群体中较常见。新加坡保健服务集团综合诊疗所营养治疗师陈彦霖说:“老年人常面对的消化不良,可能是胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal reflux disease,简称GERD)的症状。消化道的肌肉收缩力会随着年纪变大而减弱,并可能导致食物和胃部分泌的消化酶回流到食道。”


消化不良会引起胃灼热、恶心、腹胀和腹痛。药物、焦虑和压力也可能是诱因。陈彦霖提到,消化道功能减弱还会引起便秘,但这亦可能由多种因素造成。其他常见因素包括活动量降低或某些药物的副作用,使粪便变得坚硬、干燥,并且出现排便不频繁或疼痛现象。要注意的是,便秘伴有腹痛或腹胀可能是肠易激综合征(Irritable Bowel Syndrome,简称IBS)的征兆。










吃高纤维食物 须确保饮水量充足





此外,患有克罗恩病(Crohn’s disease)、溃疡性结肠炎和憩室炎(diverticulitis)等肠道疾病的年长者,在医生的建议下,可能须要遵循低纤维饮食。要谨记的是,无论增加多少纤维摄取量,都应该同时增加水分的摄取,特别是针对胃口小或消化系统较弱的人。另一个建议是,避免一次性摄取每日建议的纤维,应在一天中以小量分散摄取。若年长者有任何身体状况,也建议咨询营养治疗师。






每周150分钟中等强度运动 有益消化系统健康


欧南社区医院高级物理治疗师基丝内特(Kissnette Reodique Sacro)补充,一般锻炼对整体健康包括消化功能有积极影响。有研究指出,运动锻炼和活跃生活会使肠道消化酶的组成成分,更有利于健康与平衡。这些消化酶负责体内糖分的吸收,会影响体重,肾脏健康,以及不同内脏器官的早期衰老情况,有些甚至能降低患上其他代谢紊乱疾病的风险。

不过基丝内特指出,目前仍须进一步的研究调查才能确定哪些特定运动能辅助消化层面的健康。因此,她建议参考保健促进局在新加坡全民体育活动指导原则(Singapore Physical Activity Guidelines)中,推荐年长群体做的运动。






口腔健康照顾好, 老来消化少烦恼

Ageing: Forum: A range of accessible and affordable community care services to support seniors

Reading: Making Reading a Gift to the Young

Make reading a gift to the young


It is heartening that Primary 4 pupils in Singapore have emerged as the top readers in the world in an international test. The recently released results of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (Pirls) show that pupils here are stronger in both foundational and higher-order reading skills compared with their international peers. The Ministry of Education (MOE) notes that Primary 4 marks an important point of transition in children’s development as readers, “when they would have learnt how to read, and are starting to read to learn”.

Held every five years, Pirls evaluates fourth-grade pupils’ reading and comprehension skills, such as interpreting and drawing connections between texts. Commendably, more than a third – 35 per cent – of Singapore pupils achieved the highest “advanced” level in the study, which refers to high competency in reading difficult texts and showing higher-order thinking skills. The international median was 7 per cent. These results help to corroborate the value of a Singapore school education, which is proved by students’ high scores in international tests such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) that measures the competencies of 15-year-olds in reading, mathematics and science.

An important qualification, however, is that, while Singapore students have emerged as the top winners in the Pirls test because of their proficiency and confidence in reading, fewer of them have reported that they actually enjoy reading. The proportion of students who say that they enjoy reading a lot has fallen to 51 per cent, the lowest in a decade. The decline in reading enjoyment is an international phenomenon that is driven partly by the rapid proliferation of social media. This trend needs to be resisted. Already, MOE collaborates with the National Library Board (NLB) so that suggested good reads curated by its librarians are shared with schools. Also, schools collaborate with the NLB to promote the love for reading and cultivate good reading habits among younger pupils through a nationwide reading programme where volunteers read to children aged four to eight from less privileged families.

These are worthwhile initiatives, but it is parents who must take the primary responsibility for inculcating a love of reading in their children. Reading helps to improve a child’s memory, increases her or his vocabulary, sensitises children to different points of view, and hence encourages students to empathise with those who are different from them in age, gender, family wealth, academic achievement and nationality. From reading books written long ago to reading newspapers produced today, the written word possesses an educative agency that cannot be usurped by the abbreviated realities of social media, particularly in the hurried and ungrammatical form that they usually take. Reading is a worthwhile legacy for parents to leave to their children.

Making Reading a Gift to the Young

Ageing: Forum: A range of accessible and affordable community care services to support seniors

Ageing: Forum: A range of accessible and affordable community care services to support seniors

Forum: A range of accessible and affordable community care services to support seniors


We thank Ms Sheena Ramazanu for her suggestions (Time to ramp up homecare services for the elderly to age in place, May 24).

The majority of seniors today are relatively healthy and do not require intensive care services. For those who need care, the Ministry of Health (MOH) works with community partners to provide a range of home care and daycare services.

As the population ages, MOH has significantly expanded our aged care capacity. Since 2015, we have injected around 4,800 more daycare places, and 4,800 more home care places, to provide a total of 8,300 daycare places and 11,700 home medical and nursing care places as of end-2021. We will continue to monitor demand and inject additional capacity to improve accessibility where needed. 

To help seniors better access such services, we provide means-tested subsidies of up to 80 per cent. These are complemented by other financial support schemes, like the Home Caregiving Grant and Seniors’ Mobility and Enabling Fund. Both schemes were recently enhanced to provide more support to seniors and their caregivers, especially those from lower-income households.

We also work upstream to empower our seniors to age actively. This helps them stay healthy for longer and reduces their rate of frailty. MOH is expanding our islandwide network of Active Ageing Centres, doubling the number from 119 to 220 by 2025. With these, seniors can more conveniently access a range of active ageing activities, befriending or buddying programmes, referral to care services and health-related initiatives.

The community also plays an integral role in supporting seniors to age in place, and we have put in place initiatives to activate community involvement. For instance, we are strengthening senior volunteerism to encourage mutual support, and creating safe and dementia-friendly communities to support persons living with dementia.

Those who require information on these services can call the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) hotline on 1800-650-6060 or visit any AIC Links located at public and community hospitals.

Martin Chew
Director (Aged Care Services), Ageing Planning Office
Ministry of Health

Forum: What readers are saying


Monday, May 29, 2023

英伟达 (NVIDIA) 创始人黄仁勋是一个什么样的人?

Two female singers met the founder of NVIDIA Jensen Huang while streamin...

晶片教主亂入直播 WirForce捧紅2正妹歌手! 直播電商快速崛起 秀才藝兼"+1下單"成最具潛力零售新模式|非凡財經新聞|20221110


為父親拔管卻備受質疑?從病房陪伴者到癌末病人的心情轉換?!人生四道不能在臨終時才進行?《旅客諮詢室心靈篇》EP10 ft.安寧緩和之母趙可式博士...

中国首位戴眼镜执飞的航天员出现了!高校老师桂海潮要上太空搞科研 | CCTV中文国际

神舟十六号航天员与记者见面会 | CCTV中文国际






他的转账卡(debit card),被黑客在网上交易时给盗刷了,而且,他的手机居然马上收到短信,显示户头的钱已经成功转账。儿子被这突如其来的转账短信给愣住了。他分明记得,这张转账卡并没有放在身边。从他第一天申请到这张转账卡后,就一直放在家里完全没有触碰过。我们马上通知银行取消这张转账卡。我们很幸运在接到短信的第一时间通知得到银行,银行也答应归还被盗刷的钱。


NVIDIA CEO 黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)2023 年受邀至台大畢業典禮擔任致詞貴賓。本文收錄演講中英全文。27 May 2023


NVIDIA CEO 黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)2023 年受邀至台大畢業典禮擔任致詞貴賓。本文收錄演講中英全文。


Photo Credit:台灣大學
NVIDIA 創辦人黃仁勳(Jensen Huang)5/27 受邀至台大畢業典禮擔任致詞貴賓。以下是演講中英全文。

各位女士、先生,老師,來賓,驕傲的父母們,以及 2023 年國立台灣大學的畢業生們,今天對你們來說是非常特別的一天,也是你們父母夢想成真的一天。你們應該快點從家裡搬出去,這確實是一個充滿驕傲和喜悅的日子!


十多年前,我第一次來到台灣大學,陳博士邀請我參觀他的實驗室。他的兒子在矽谷工作,知道 NVIDIA 的 CUDA,推薦爸爸用它來做量子物理模擬實驗。我在這個實驗室看到滿滿的 NVIDIA GeForce 遊戲顯卡,插在 PC 主機板上,走道上的架子開著好幾台電扇在散熱。

陳博士以遊戲顯卡用台灣人的方式自製了超級電腦,這是一個展開 NVIDIA 旅程的故事,他以自己的努力為榮,也對我說:「黃先生,因為你的產品,讓我能追尋我的志業。」


我很高興能回到台大在你們的畢業典禮致詞。當時我從 Oregon State University 畢業的時候,世界還很簡單,沒有液晶電視,也沒有有線電視跟 MTV,手機和電話這兩個詞是分開講的。

那一年是 1984 年,IBM PC-AT 和蘋果 Macintosh 開啟個人電腦革命,也開創了我們所知的晶片和軟體產業。現在你們所處的是一個更複雜的世界,充滿了地緣政治、社會和環境的變化和挑戰。


AI 會創造過去不存在的新工作,每個人都要學習掌握 AI 紅利
在電腦產業創造了家用個人電腦 40 年後,我們發明了人工智慧,例如自動駕駛或辨識 X 光影像的軟體,AI 軟體為電腦自動化打開了大門,也開啟了價值數兆美元的產業——醫療保健,金融服務,運輸和製造業等等,AI 創造了各種機會。

敏捷的公司利用 AI 提升他們的地位,反之,那些落後的公司將會滅亡。正在聽這場演講的創業家們也將開創新事業,如同過去每一個運算時代,新的產業會出現。

AI 創造過去不存在的新工作,像資料工程,提示工程,AI 廠房營運與 AI 安全工程師等等。

這些都是以前沒有的工作,有些工作會因為自動化而過時了,但可以肯定的是,AI 將改變每一個工作,讓工程師、設計師、藝術家、行銷人員還有製造業的擘畫者有更好的表現。

就像過去每個世代的人一樣,他們擁抱新技術然後成功了,每一家公司,包括你們,都要學著掌握 AI 的紅利,讓 AI 成為你的副駕駛,做出驚人的事業。

有些人擔心 AI 可能會搶走他們的工作,其實,是擅長使用 AI 的「人」會搶走這些人的工作。我們處在重大科技時代的開端,像 PC,網路,手機和雲端等等。

但是 AI 的技術更基本,因為每個運算的層次都被重新打造,從我們如何寫軟體到它如何運作,AI 從根本上重新創造了運算方式。

從各個層面來看,這是電腦產業的重生,對台灣企業來說,這也是個千載難逢的機會。你們就是電腦產業的基石,在未來的十年,我們的產業將以全新、加速的 AI 技術取代全球超過一兆美元的傳統電腦市場。

NVIDIA 的第一個故事:面對錯誤,勇於求助
我的旅程比你們早 40 年開始,1984 年是畢業的好時節,我預期 2023 年也是如此。在你們的旅程開始之時,我該分享些什麼呢?今天是你們人生中最成功的一天,你們要從台大畢業了。我畢業那天也是個成功人士,直到我創辦 NVIDIA 為止。

在 NVIDIA,我經歷了失敗,非常大的失敗。那段歷程充滿羞辱和尷尬,公司幾乎要完蛋。讓我跟你們說三個關於 NVIDIA 的故事,這些故事定義了今日的 NVIDIA。

我們創辦 NVIDIA 來打造加速計算,我們第一個技術是 PC 遊戲的 3D 圖形。我們創造了一種非傳統的 3D 技術,它叫前向材質貼圖和曲線(forward texture mapping and curves)。這個技術的成本明顯較低,因此我們拿到了 SEGA 主機的合約,我們的平台吸引了遊戲製造商,也拿到資金。

經過一年的開發,我們發現這個架構策略錯了,而且微軟發佈了 Windows 95 Direct 3D,這是基於逆材質貼圖和三角(inverse texture mapping and triangles)的技術。

很多公司已經在開發支援這個標準的 3D 晶片,如果我們硬要完成 SEGA 的合約,我們的技術不僅不怎麼樣,跟  Windows 不相容,而且還追趕不上。但是,如果我們不履行合約,就會一毛錢也拿不到。不論如何,公司都會破產。

我跟 SEGA 的 CEO 說,公司技術開發方向錯了,SEGA 應該要換合作夥伴,因為我們無法履行合約,這個合作應該要終止。但我們需要 SEGA 的錢,不然 NVIDIA 就要倒閉了。

我很難為情地跟 SEGA 的 CEO 入交昭一郎(Irimajiri Shoichiro)提出這樣的要求, 讓我很驚訝的是,他竟然同意了。

他的理解和慷慨讓我們能再活六個月。因為這個機會,我們打造了 RIVA 128。就在我們快要把錢燒光的時候,RIVA 128 讓剛起步的 3D 市場驚豔不已,我們被看見了,公司也活下來了。

我們的晶片在市場需求強勁,四歲就離開台灣的我又回到這裡,跟台積電的張忠謀見面,開啟了持續 25 年的合作關係。

面對自己犯下的錯,並以謙遜的態度向他人求助,這兩件事挽救 NVIDIA 免於倒閉,這樣的態度對你們這些聰明又成功的人來說是最困難的。

NVIDIA 的第二個故事:為了實現願景必然要忍受痛苦
2007 年,我們發表了 CUDA GPU 加速計算。我們的目標是讓 CUDA 成為一種程式設計模型,能加速科學運算、物理模擬、影像處理的應用。

從無到有創造一個全新的運算模型非常困難,過去很少人能做得到。CPU 運算模型自IBM System 360 以來已成為世人的標準,它有 60 年的歷史了。CUDA 需要開發者撰寫應用程式,並展示這款 GPU 的優點。

開發者需要龐大的安裝基礎,大型 CUDA 安裝基礎設施需要用戶購買新的應用程式。為了解決先有雞還是先有蛋的問題,我們使用遊戲 GPU,也就是 GeForce 來建立安裝基礎,因為它已經有大量的遊戲玩家市場。

但 CUDA 的額外成本非常高,NVIDIA 的利潤多年來表現不佳,我們的市值僅略高於10 億美元。多年的低迷表現,讓我們的股東懷疑 CUDA 的能耐,他們希望我們專心提高獲利能力,但我們仍然堅持做想做的事。

我們相信加速運算的時代終將來臨,我們開始辦 GTC 大會,也努力向全球推廣CUDA,接著各式應用開始出現了。

從震測處理、CT 重建、分子動力學、粒子物理學、流體動力學到影像處理,各種科學研究領域一個接著一個使用我們的技術。我們與每一位開發者合作撰寫他們的演算法,因此進步非常快,到了 2012 年,AI 研究者發現了 CUDA。

大家熟知的 AlexNet 是在 GeForce GTX 580 上訓練的,AI 技術開始大爆發。幸運的是,我們知道深度學習深具潛力,我們公司傾全力開發這個新領域的技術。我們冒上一切風險追求深度學習。10 年後,AI 革命開始了,現在的 NVIDIA 是全球 AI 開發者的引擎。

我們打造了 CUDA 並在加速運算和 AI 領域成為領導者,這個旅程塑造了 NVIDIA 的企業性格,為了實現願景必然要忍受痛苦與經歷磨難。

NVIDIA 的第三個故事:有策略的撤退,決定什麼不去做
讓我再說一個故事。2010 年,Google 打算將 Android 開發成一款具有優秀圖形的行動電腦。手機產業已有了數據機專業的晶片公司,NVIDIA 的運算和圖形專業使我們成為與 Android 合作的理想夥伴,我們因而進入了手機晶片市場。



NVIDIA 的使命是打造出一款電腦,它能解決一般電腦不能解決的問題。我們應該全力以赴實現這個願景,並做出獨特的貢獻。

我們有策略的撤退最終得到了回報。離開了手機市場,我們不畫地自限,而是創造了一個新的市場。我們創造一款新型的電腦,為機器人計算提供服務。這款新型電腦搭載神經網路處理器,有安全的結構進行 AI 演算。

在當時,這是一個零億美元的市場,我們離開了龐大的手機市場,跑去創立一個 0 元的機器人市場。

現在的 NVIDIA 的有數十億美元的汽車和機器人業務,並開創了一個新的產業。


2023 年的畢業生們,你們將進入正在經歷巨變的世界,就像當年的我身處 PC 和晶片革命之中一樣,你們站在 AI 的起跑線上,每一個行業都將歷經革命,浴火重生。

你要為創新做好準備,擁有自己的想法。這 40 年來,人類創造 PC、網路、手機、雲端技術,現在則進入了 AI 時代。





2023 年的畢業生們,我誠摯的祝福你們每一位。加油!

Full Transcript: NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang's Commencement Address at National Taiwan University
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed faculty members, distinguished guests, proud parents, and above all, the 2023 graduating class of the National Taiwan University. Today is a very special day for you, and a dream come true for your parents.

You should be moving out soon. It is surely a day of pride and joy.So, your parents have made sacrifices to see you on this day.  My parents are here, and so is my brother. Let's show all of our parents and our grandparents, many of them are here, our appreciation.

I came to NTU for the first time over a decade ago.  Dr. Chen invited me to visit his computational physics lab. As I recall, his son, based in Silicon Valley, had learned of NVIDIA's CUDA invention and recommended his father utilize it for his quantum physics simulations.

When I arrived, he opened the door to show me what he had made. NVIDIA GeForce gaming cards filled the room, plugged into open PC motherboards, and sitting on metal shelves in the aisles were oscillating platform fans.

Dr. Chen had built a homemade supercomputer, the Taiwanese Way, out of gaming graphics cards. He started here, an early example of NVIDIA's journey.
He was so proud, and he said to me, Mr. Huang, because of your work, I can do my life's work. Those words touch me to this day, and perfectly capture our company's purpose, to help the Einstein and Da Vinci of our time do their life's work.

I am so happy to be back at NTU, and to be your commencement address.  The world was simpler when I graduated from Oregon State University.  TVs were not flat yet. There was no cable television, and MTV.

And the words mobile and phone didn't go together. The year was 1984. The IBM PC-AT and Apple Macintosh launched the PC revolution.

And started the chip and software industry that we know today. You enter a far more complex world, with geopolitical, social, and environmental changes and challenges.

Surrounded by technology, we are now perpetually connected, and immersed in a digital world that parallels our real world. Cars are starting to drive by themselves.

AI will create new jobs that didn't exist before
Forty years after the computer industry created the home PC, we invented artificial intelligence. Like software that automatically drives a car, or studies x-ray images, AI software has opened the door for computers to automate tasks for the world's largest, multi-trillion dollars of industries.  

Healthcare, financial services, transportation, and manufacturing. AI has opened immense opportunities.

Agile companies will take advantage of AI, and boost their position.  Companies less so, will perish. Entrepreneurs, many of them here today, will start new companies.

And like in every computing era before, create new industries.  AI will create new jobs that didn't exist before. Like data engineering, prompt engineering, AI factory operations, and AI safety engineers.

These are jobs that never existed before.  Automated tasks will obsolete some jobs.  And for sure, AI will change every job. Supercharging the performance of programmers, designers, artists, marketers, and manufacturing planners.

Just as every generation before you embraced technologies to succeed, every company, and you, must learn to take advantage of AI. And do amazing things with an AI co-pilot by your side.

While some worry that AI may take their jobs, someone who expert with AI will. We are at the beginning of a major technology era, like PC, internet, mobile, and cloud.  But AI is far more fundamental because every computing layer has been reinvented, from how we write software to how it's processed.

AI has reinvented computing from the ground up.  In every way, this is a rebirth of the computer industry. And a golden opportunity for the companies of Taiwan.

You are the foundation and bedrock of the computer industry. Within the next decade, our industry will replace over a trillion dollars of the world's traditional computers with new, accelerated AI computers.

The first story of NVIDIA: Confronting mistakes and asking for help
My journey started 40 years before yours.  1984 was a perfect year to graduate. I predict that 2023 will be as well.

What can I tell you as you begin your journey?  Today is the most successful day of your life so far.  You're graduating from the National Taiwan University. I was also successful until I started NVIDIA.

At NVIDIA, I experienced failures.  Great big ones.  All humiliating and embarrassing. Many nearly doomed us.

Let me tell you three NVIDIA stories that define us today.  

We founded NVIDIA to create accelerated computing. Our first application was 3D graphics for PC gaming.

We invented an unconventional 3D approach called forward texture mapping and curves.  Our approach was substantially lower cost. We won a contract with SEGA to build their game console, which attracted games for our platform and funded our company.

After one year of development, we realized our architecture was the wrong strategy.  It was technically poor. And Microsoft was about to announce Windows 95 Direct 3D based on inverse texture mapping and triangles.

Many companies were already working on 3D chips to support this standard. If we completed SEGA's game console, we would have built inferior technology, be incompatible with Windows, and be too far behind to catch up.

But we would be out of money if we didn't finish the contract.  Either way, we would be out of business. I contacted the CEO of SEGA and explained that our invention was the wrong approach.

That SEGA should find another partner.  And that we could not complete the contract and the console.  We had to stop. But I needed Sega to pay us in whole. Or NVIDIA would be out of business.  

I was embarrassed to ask. Irimajiri-san, the CEO of SEGA, to his credit and my amazement, agreed.

His understanding and generosity gave us six months to live.  With that, we built RIVA 128.  Just as we were running out of money. RIVA 128 shocked the young 3D market, put us on the map, and saved the company.

The strong demand for our chip led me back to Taiwan after leaving at the age of four to meet Morris Chang at TSMC and started a partnership that has lasted 25 years. Confronting our mistake and with humility asking for help, save NVIDIA.

These traits are the hardest for the brightest and most successful like yourself. 

The second story of NVIDIA: Endure pain and suffering needed to realize your dreams
In 2007, we announced CUDA GPU Accelerated Computing. Our aspiration was for CUDA to become a programming model that boosts applications from scientific computing and physics simulations to image processing. Creating a new computing model is incredibly hard and rarely done in history.

The CPU computing model has been the standard for 60 years since the IBM System 360. CUDA needed developers to write applications and demonstrate the benefits of the GPU.

Developers needed a large installed base.  A large CUDA installed base needed customers buying new applications. To solve the chicken or the egg problem, we used GeForce, our gaming GPU, which already had a large market of gamers, to build the installed base.

But the added cost of CUDA was very high.  NVIDIA's profits took a huge hit for many years. Our market cap hovered just above $1 billion.
We suffered many years of poor performance.  Our shareholders were skeptical of CUDA.  And preferred we focused on improving profitability. But we persevered.

We believed a time for accelerated computing would come.  We created a conference called GTC and promoted CUDA tirelessly worldwide. Then the applications came.

Seismic processing, CT reconstruction, molecular dynamics, particle physics, fluid dynamics, and image processing. One science domain after another, they came.

We worked with each developer to write their algorithms and achieved incredible speedups. Then, in 2012, AI researchers discovered CUDA.

The famous AlexNet trained on GeForce GTX 580 started the Big Bang of AI. Fortunately, we realized the potential of deep learning as a whole new software approach. And turned every aspect of our company to advance this new field. 

We risked everything to pursue deep learning. A decade later, the AI revolution started. And NVIDIA is the engine of AI developers worldwide.  

We invented CUDA and pioneered accelerated computing and AI. But the journey forged our corporate character to endure the pain and suffering that is always needed to realize a vision.  

The third story of NVIDIA: Strategic retreat
One more story. In 2010, Google aimed to develop Android into a mobile computer with excellent graphics.

The phone industry had chip companies with modem expertise.  NVIDIA's computing and graphics expertise made us an ideal partner to help build Android. So we entered the mobile chip market.

We were instantly successful.  And our business and stock price surged.  The competition quickly swarmed. Modem chip makers were learning how to build computing chips. And we were learning how to build modems.  

The phone market is huge.  We could fight for share. Instead, we made a hard decision and sacrificed the market.

NVIDIA's mission is to build computers to solve problems that ordinary computers cannot.  We should dedicate ourselves to realizing our vision and to making a unique contribution.

Our strategic retreat paid off.  By leaving the phone market, we opened our minds to invent a new one. We imagined creating a new type of computer for robotic computers.With neural network processor, safety architectures that run AI algorithms.  

At the time, this was a zero billion dollar market. To retreat from a giant phone market to create a zero billion dollar robotics market. We now have billions of dollars of automotive and robotics business and started a new industry. Retreat does not come easily to the brightest and most successful people like yourself.

Yet, strategic retreat, sacrifice, deciding what to give up, is that a core, the very core of success?

Class of 2023, you're about to go into a world witnessing great change. And just as I was with the PC and chip revolution, you're at the beginning, at the starting line of AI.  Every industry will be revolutionized. Reborn.

Ready for new ideas. Your ideas. In 40 years, we created the PC, internet, mobile, cloud, and now the AI era.

What will you create?  Whatever it is, run after it like we did.  Run.  Don't walk. Remember, either you're running for food, or you are running from being food.

I hope that part can be translated into Chinese so that everyone can understand. 

Either you're running for food, or you are running from becoming food.

And oftentimes, you can't tell which.  Either way, run.  And for your journey, take along some of my learnings. That you will have the humility to confront failure, admit a mistake, and ask for help.

You will endure pain and suffering needed to realize your dreams. And you will make sacrifices to dedicate yourself to a life of purpose and doing your life's work.

Class of 2023, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to each one of you.  Jiayou!



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