Thursday, November 30, 2023

终身护保广告 2023-11-30 新明早报

人到了晚年-如果能自理-千万别做这几样糊涂事 (辉姐的退休生活)









在头条上经常看到说老人跟着子女在城市住不习惯什么的,很可怜。 其实很多时候,就是生活习惯和观念的不同带来的。 和老人最大的观念分歧,其实就是免费的东西是不是最好的。 老人觉得什么东... 全文
我做的最后悔的一件事儿,就是和亲家走的太近了。 女儿和女婿已经结婚20年了,当初女儿谈这个男朋友的时候,我们两家相处的非常好,到了谈婚论嫁的程度,我们看在眼里,喜在心里。亲家,按... 全文
冬天渐渐的走进了我们的身边…每天起床就成了中老年们很困难的一件事。因为冷不想动了等等,此时心中一定要想着:我是一家之主,这家全靠着我…有了这想法后,渐渐的起床就不是问题了!意识这东... 全文
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CareShield advertisement 2023-11-30

终身护保广告 2023-11-30 联合早报













Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Video NipponPaint Dropsheet for fully protecting furniture from ceiling to floor -- Dec 2017



Germany Has Lost Everything! Massive Company Lay Offs, Economic Crash Of...

中国台湾省: 赵少康挑战赖清德废除台独党纲















吴俊刚 - 脱贫无捷径

吴俊刚 - 脱贫无捷径




















Tuesday, November 28, 2023

RCCB or ELCB: Forum: No need to replace circuit breaker if it works

Forum: No need to replace circuit breaker if it works

We refer to Mr Teo Kok Seah’s letter on the requirement to have a residual current circuit breaker (RCCB) installed (Do present circuit breakers need to be replaced by new ones?, May 19).

To enhance electrical safety in all households, from July 1, 2023, all residential premises without a circuit breaker will be required to install an RCCB. All home owners will be given a grace period of two years, till July 1, 2025, to do so.

Home owners with an earth leakage circuit breaker (ELCB) do not need to change it. Both the RCCB and ELCB are electrical safety devices that cut off the electricity supply immediately upon detecting leakages that may result in an electric shock.

Home owners with RCCBs or ELCBs are advised to test that their circuit breaker is in working condition using a three-step test ( This is to ensure that the circuit breaker is functional and protects all electrical circuits in the home.

If the circuit breaker is not working, home owners can engage a licensed electrical worker at to replace the circuit breaker.

Yeo Cheng Hee
Acting Director, Inspectorate Department
Energy Market Authority

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以美国管理学者彼得(Laurence Johnston Peter)提出的“木桶效应”来说明,水桶想盛满水,必须每块木板都一样平齐且无破损。盛多少水,关键不在于木桶上那块最长的木板,而在于最短的那块板。衡量一个国家人民的素质,往往取决于大众的言行举止。相信大家都不希望听到别人说我们的素质低下吧?总之,只要每一个人在用公厕时都尽本分保持干净,我们的公厕有一天也能常保清洁卫生。










或许很多人并不知道,我国很早就有个倡导清洁公厕的非营利组织——成立于1998年的新加坡卫浴文化协会(Restroom Association Singapore)。这反映不少国人还是相当重视厕所卫生的,只是推广效果还不显著。



























My 16-year plus Weight Management Records from 2007-05-28 to 2023-11-28 (by Calorie Restriction, i.e. Dietary Energy Restriction):

My 16-year plus Weight Management Records from 2007-05-28 to 2023-11-28 (by Calorie Restriction, i.e. Dietary Energy Restriction):

Note: According to the Singapore Health Promotion Board, a Healthy BMI is greater than18.5 and less than 23.0. A BMI less than 18.5 would mean that the individual is at risk of nutrition deficiency diseases and osteoporosis. 

A BMI equal or greater than 23.0 would mean that the individual is at risk of obesity-related diseases. (Ref: DD-Md2022J28)

As of 2023-11-28,

Note: ### indicates BMI = 23 or > 23

Total number of Monthly Weight monitored was 198 (100%)

The no. of times my healthy BMI between 18.5 and 22.9 was 193 (97.475%)

The no. of times my unhealthy BMI equal or more than 23.000 was 5 (2.525%)



2007-05-28 morning, my weight = 65.0 kg, BMI = 23.588###

2007-06-28 morning, my weight = 61.0 kg, BMI = 22.136

2007-07-28 morning, my weight = 59.0 kg, BMI = 21.410

2007-08-28 morning, my weight = 58.7 kg, BMI = 21.302

2007-09-28 morning, my weight = 57.5 kg, BMI = 20.866

2007-10-28 morning, my weight = 57.5 kg, BMI = 20.866

2007-11-28 morning, my weight = 56.2 kg, BMI = 20.394

2007-12-28 morning, my weight = 55.5 kg, BMI = 20.140


2008-01-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886

2008-02-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886

2008-03-28 morning, my weight = 54.5 kg, BMI = 19.777

2008-04-28 morning, my weight = 54.4 kg, BMI = 19.741

2008-05-28 morning, my weight = 54.1 kg, BMI = 19.632

2008-06-28 morning, my weight = 54.6 kg, BMI = 19.814

2008-07-28 morning, my weight = 54.5 kg, BMI = 19.777

2008-08-28 morning, my weight = 54.3 kg, BMI = 19.705

2008-09-28 morning, my weight = 54.9 kg, BMI = 19.923

2008-10-28 morning, my weight = 55.3 kg, BMI = 20.068

2008-11-28 morning, my weight = 54.5 kg, BMI = 19.777

2008-12-28 morning, my weight = 55.6 kg, BMI = 20.177


2009-01-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886

2009-02-28 morning, my weight = 55.9 kg, BMI = 20.285

2009-03-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886

2009-04-28 morning, my weight = 55.3 kg, BMI = 20.068

2009-05-28 morning, my weight = 55.4 kg, BMI = 20.104.

2009-06-28 morning, my weight = 55.2 kg, BMI = 20.031

2009-07-28 morning, my weight = 55.1 kg, BMI = 19.995

2009-08-28 morning, my weight = 55.2 kg, BMI = 20.031

2009-09-28 morning, my weight = 56.3 kg, BMI = 20.431

2009-10-28 morning, my weight = 55.8 kg, BMI = 20.249

2009-11-28 morning, my weight = 56.2 kg, BMI = 20.394

2009-12-28 morning, my weight = 56.1 kg, BMI = 20.358


2010-01-28 morning, my weight = 55.6 kg, BMI = 20.177

2010-02-28 morning, my weight = 56.5 kg, BMI = 20.503

2010-03-28 morning, my weight = 56.4 kg, BMI = 20.467

2010-04-28 morning, my weight = 55.7 kg, BMI = 20.213

2010-05-28 morning, my weight = 55.1 kg, BMI = 19.995

2010-06-28 morning, my weight = 56.4 kg, BMI = 20.467

2010-07-28 morning, my weight = 55.5 kg, BMI = 20.140

2010-08-28 morning, my weight = 55.8 kg, BMI = 20.249

2010-09-28 morning, my weight = 55.8 kg, BMI = 20.249

2010-10-28 morning, my weight = 55.4 kg, BMI = 20.104

2010-11-28 morning, my weight = 55.6 kg, BMI = 20.177

2010-12-28 morning, my weight = 55.5 kg, BMI = 20.140


2011-01-28 morning, my weight = 55.4 kg, BMI = 20.104

2011-02-28 morning, my weight = 56.5 kg, BMI = 20.503

2011-03-28 morning, my weight = 55.6 kg, BMI = 20.177

2011-04-28 morning, my weight = 55.7 kg, BMI = 20.213

2011-05-28 morning, my weight = 55.6 kg, BMI = 20.177

2011-06-28 morning, my weight = 56.3 kg, BMI = 20.431

2011-07-28 morning, my weight = 56.5 kg, BMI = 20.503

2011-08-28 morning, my weight = 56.9 kg, BMI = 20.649

2011-09-28 morning, my weight = 56.2 kg, BMI = 20.394

2011-10-28 morning, my weight = 56.8 kg, BMI = 20.613

2011-11-28 morning, my weight = 59.0 kg, BMI = 21.410

2011-12-28 morning, my weight = 60.3 kg, BMI = 21.882


2012-01-28 morning, my weight = 61.5 kg, BMI = 22.318

2012-02-28 morning, my weight = 62.7 kg, BMI = 22.753

2012-03-28 morning, my weight = 62.5 kg, BMI = 22.681

2012-04-28 morning, my weight = 61.3 kg, BMI = 22.246

2012-05-28 morning, my weight = 60.7 kg, BMI = 22.028

2012-06-28 morning, my weight = 60.6 kg, BMI = 21.992

2012-07-28 morning, my weight = 61.2 kg, BMI = 22.209

2012-08-28 morning, my weight = 60.8 kg, BMI = 22.064

2012-09-28 morning, my weight = 61.5 kg, BMI = 22.318**

2012-10-28 morning, my weight = 62.3 kg, BMI = 22.608

2012-11-28 morning, my weight = 63.4 kg, BMI = 23.008###

2012-12-28 morning, my weight = 62.9 kg, BMI = 22.826


2013-01-28 morning, my weight = 63.0 kg, BMI = 22.863

2013-02-28 morning, my weight = 62.1 kg, BMI = 22.536

2013-03-28 morning, my weight = 61.5 kg, BMI = 22.318

2013-04-28 morning, my weight = 63.1 kg, BMI = 22.899****

2013-05-28 morning, my weight = 62.3 kg, BMI = 22.608

2013-06-28 morning, my weight = 62.2 kg, BMI = 22.572

2013-07-28 morning, my weight = 62.4 kg, BMI = 22.645

2013-08-28 morning, my weight = 62.6 kg BMI = 22.717

2013-09-28 morning, my weight = 62.4 kg BMI = 22.645**

2013-10-28 morning, my weight = 62.3 kg BMI = 22.609

2013-11-28 morning, my weight = 63.1 kg BMI = 22.899

2013-12-28 morning, my weight = 64.4 kg BMI = 23.371###


2014-01-28 morning, my weight = 63.6 kg, BMI = 23.080###

2014-02-28 morning, my weight = 63.3 kg, BMI = 22.971

2014-03-28 morning, my weight = 62.7 kg, BMI = 22.753

2014-04-28 morning, my weight = 62.7 kg, BMI = 22.753

2014-05-28 morning, my weight = 62.9 kg, BMI = 22.826

2014-06-28 morning, my weight = 63.1 kg BMI = 22.899

2014-07-28 morning, my weight = 62.7 kg, BMI = 22.753

2014-08-28 morning, my weight = 62.2 kg, BMI = 22.572

2014-09-28 morning, my weight = 61.2 kg, BMI = 22.209

2014-10-28 morning, my weight = 61.4 kg, BMI = 22.282

2014-11-28 morning, my weight = 60.2 kg, BMI = 21.846

2014-12-28 morning, my weight = 60.8 kg, BMI = 22.064


2015-01-28 morning, my weight = 61.3 kg, BMI = 22.246

2015-02-28 morning, my weight = 61.8 kg, BMI = 22.427

2015-03-28 morning, my weight = 61.8 kg, BMI = 22.427

2015-04-28 morning, my weight = 62,5. kg, BMI = 22.681

2015-05-28 morning, my weight = 62.4 kg, BMI = 22.645

2015-06-28 morning, my weight = 63.6 kg, BMI = 23.080###

2015-07-28 morning, my weight = 62.3 kg BMI = 22.609

2015-08-28 morning, my weight = 62.2 kg, BMI = 22.572

2015-09-28 morning, my weight = 63.0 kg, BMI = 22.863

2015-10-28 morning, my weight = 63.2 kg, BMI = 22.935

2015-11-28 morning, my weight = 62.6 kg, BMI = 22.717

2015-12-28 morning, my weight = 62.3 kg BMI = 22.609


2016-01-28 morning, my weight = 63.0 kg, BMI = 22.863

2016-02-28 morning, my weight = 62.8 kg, BMI = 22.790

2016-03-28 morning, my weight = 62.0 kg, BMI = 22.499

2016-04-28 morning, my weight = 62.0 kg, BMI = 22.499

2016-05-28 morning, my weight = 62.4 kg, BMI = 22.645

2016-06-28 morning, my weight = 62.1 kg, BMI = 22.536

2016-07-28 morning, my weight = 62.2 kg, BMI = 22.572

2016-08-28 morning, my weight = 62.6 kg, BMI = 22.717

2016-09-28 morning, my weight = 62.8 kg, BMI = 22.790

2016-10-28 morning, my weight = 62,5. kg, BMI = 22.681

2016-11-28 morning, my weight = 62.1 kg, BMI = 22.536

2016-12-28 morning, my weight = 62.3 kg, BMI = 22.608


2017-01-28 morning, my weight = 62.9 kg, BMI = 22.826

2017-02-28 morning, my weight = 62.4 kg, BMI = 22.644

2017-03-28 morning, my weight = 62.8 kg, BMI = 22.789

2017-04-28 morning, my weight = 62.3 kg, BMI = 22.609

2017-05-28 morning, my weight = 62.2 kg, BMI = 22.572

2017-06-28 morning, my weight = 62.6 kg, BMI = 22.717

2017-07-28 morning, my weight = 62.4 kg, BMI = 22.645

2017-08-28 morning, my weight = 61.9 kg, BMI = 22.463

2017-09-28 morning, my weight = 62.0 kg, BMI = 22.499

2017-10-28 morning, my weight = 62.0 kg, BMI = 22.499

2017-11-28 morning, my weight = 61.5 kg, BMI = 22.318

2017-12-28 morning, my weight = 61.5 kg, BMI = 22.318


My Weight 2018-01-28 0934 hr 61.0 kg BMI 22.136

My Weight 2018-02-28 0915 hr 60.7 kg BMI 22.027

My Weight 2018-03-28 0620 hr 61.0 kg BMI 22.136

My Weight 2018-04-28 1005 hr 61.7 kg BMI 22.390

My Weight 2018-05-28 0856 hr 60.5 kg BMI 21.955

My Weight 2018-06-28 0600 hr 61.4 kg BMI 22.281

My Weight 2018-07-28 0600 hr 62.2 kg BMI 22.572

My Weight 2018-08-28 0720 hr 61.4 kg BMI 22.281

My Weight 2018-09-28 0805 hr 62.1 kg BMI 22.535

My Weight 2018-10-28 0750 hr 61.3 kg BMI 22.24

My Weight 2018-11-28 1000 hr 61.5 kg BMI 22.318

My Weight 2018-12-28 0650 hr 62.5 kg BMI 22.681


2019-01-28 at 1000 hr 60.9 kg BMI 22.100

2019-02-28 at 0946 hr 61.0 kg BMI 22.136

2019-03-28 at 0700 hr 62.4 kg BMI 22.644

2019-04-28 at 0828 hr 62.9 kg BMI 22.826

2019-05-28 at 0745 hr 62.4 kg BMI 22.826

2019-06-28 at 0650 hr 62.4 kg BMI 22.644

2019-07-28 at 0736 hr 62.8 kg BMI 22.789

2019-08-28 at 0629 hr 62.4 kg BMI 22.644

2019-09-28 at 0644 hr 61.9 kg BMI 22.463

2019-10-28 at 0740 hr 62.5 kg BMI 22.681

2019-11-28 at 0632 hr 62.8 kg BMI 22.789

2019-12-28 at 0726 hr 62.5 kg BMI 22.681


My Weight 2020-01-28 0625 HR  62.6 kg BMI 22.717

My Weight 2020-02-28 0728 HR  62.3 kg BMI 22.608

My Weight 2020-03-28 0649 HR  61.4 kg BMI 22.281

My Weight 2020-04-28 0810 HR  62.0 kg BMI 22.499

My Weight 2020-05-28 0714 HR  62.3 kg BMI 22.608

My Weight 2020-06-28 0757 HR  60.2 kg BMI 21.846

My Weight 2020-07-28 0715 HR  61.6 kg BMI 22.354

My Weight 2020-08-28 0707 HR  61.1 kg BMI 22.173

My Weight 2020-09-28 0609 HR  60.8 kg BMI 22.064

My Weight 2020-10-28 0818 HR  60.7 kg BMI 22.027

My Weight 2020-11-28 0706 HR  60.9 kg BMI 22.100

My Weight 2020-12-28 0631 HR  60.5 kg BMI 21.955


My Weight 2021-01-28 0638 HR  61.3 kg BMI 22.245

My Weight 2021-02-28 0741 HR  61.2 kg BMI 22.209

My Weight 2021-03-28 0659 HR  61.3 kg BMI 22.245

My Weight 2021-04-28 0659 HR  61.1 kg BMI 22.173

My Weight 2021-05-28 0618 HR  61.1 kg BMI 22.173

My Weight 2021-06-28 0604 HR  61.3 kg BMI 22.245

My Weight 2021-07-28 0642 HR  61.2 kg BMI 22.209

My Weight 2021-08-28 0653 HR  61.5 kg BMI 22.318

My Weight 2021-09-28 0618 HR  61.5 kg BMI 22.318

My Weight 2021-10-28 0549 HR  61.0 kg BMI 22.136

My Weight 2021-11-28 0630 HR  61.3 kg BMI 22.245

My Weight 2021-12-28 0528 HR  61.6 kg BMI 22.354



My Weight 2022-01-28 0910 HR  61.1 kg  BMI 22.173

My Weight 2022-02-28 0642 HR  61.2 kg  BMI 22.209

My Weight 2022-03-28 0649 HR  61.4 kg  BMI 22.281

My Weight 2022-04-28 0649 HR  61.4 kg  BMI 22.281

My Weight 2022-05-28 0549 HR  61.0 kg  BMI 22.136

My Weight 2022-06-28 0549 HR  61.0 kg  BMI 22.136

My Weight 2022-07-28 0700 HR  60.6 kg  BMI 21.991

My Weight 2022-08-28 0640 HR  61.3 kg  BMI 22.245

My Weight 2022-09-28 0738 HR  61.7 kg  BMI 22.390

My Weight 2022-10-28 0708 HR  61.5 kg  BMI 22.318

My Weight 2022-11-28 0706 HR  60.9 kg BMI 22.100

My Weight 2022-12-28 0722 HR  61.1 kg  BMI 22.173



My Weight 2023-01-28 0537 HR 60.9 kg BMI 22.100

My Weight 2023-02-28 0515 HR 61.4 kg  BMI 22.281

My Weight 2023-03-28 0606 HR  61.3 kg  BMI 22.245

My Weight 2023-04-28 0738 HR  61.3 kg  BMI 22.245

My Weight 2023-05-28 0721 HR  61.0 kg  BMI 22.136

My Weight 2023-06-28 0641 HR  61.2 kg  BMI 22.209

My Weight 2023-07-28 0700 HR  60.9 kg BMI 22.100

My Weight 2023-08-28 0655 HR  61.3 kg  BMI 22.245

My Weight 2023-09-28 0806 HR  61.2 kg  BMI 22.209

My Weight 2023-10-28 0718 HR  60.8 kg BMI 22.064

My Weight 2023-11-28 0612 HR 61.4 kg  BMI 22.281



My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

For me, the range of healthy weight is 50.9786 kg (BMI = 18.5) to 63.10324 kg (BMI = 22.9).

People with BMI values of 23 kg/m2 (or 25 kg/m2 according to some sources) and above have been found to be at risk of developing heart disease and diabetes.

To be healthy, I must have a healthy weight.

Be as lean as possible without being underweight, as recommended by World Cancer Prevention Foundation, United Kingdom.


Note: On 2021-05-28, I removed the unimportant details of old records from My Weight Management Records.


Ref. WeightManagement

My Weight 2023-11-28

My Weight
0612 HR 
61.4 kg
BMI 22.281

Sunday, November 26, 2023

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【郁可唯 Yisa Yu】高音質純享版合唱《昨夜星辰》(feat,薛之謙,汪蘇瀧,汪小敏)——金曲撈之挑戰主打歌20181005



 25TH NOV 2023

My Parliamentary Colleagues, Mr Vikram Nair and Ms Mariam Jaafar

Colleagues, friends, grassroots leaders, and residents

1. Good morning. It is my pleasure to join you today at the official opening of Sembawang Polyclinic, on its first day of operations. This continues our new tradition of officially opening a polyclinic on its first day of operations, which I think is more meaningful for residents.

2. First, I am here not just as the Health Minister, but this is also my constituency. Where we are is a special project and development called Bukit Canberra, which started off as a concept to build a stadium here. Then-Minister Khaw Boon Wan and I decided to keep as much of the contour, greenery and history of the place as possible, and to integrate the facilities instead. It has been a long journey, but today we are seeing it take shape. 

Update on Bukit Canberra development

3. Sembawang Polyclinic is one feature which the residents have really been looking forward to. Even the hawkers are looking forward to its opening because they know it will drive traffic. I was told by the staff that residents have been popping in to take a look at the Polyclinic, so much so that the staff had to close the doors to stop residents from coming in and disrupting the construction work.

4. This is quite a special polyclinic, nestled in community facilities. We have been paying quite a bit of attention in ensuring that polyclinics are sited beautifully within the community and amidst community facilities. I wish I could say this is the first, but it is not. Bedok Polyclinic is nestled together with Heartbeat@Bedok and is also next to a swimming pool. Punggol Polyclinic is part of an HDB Integrated Hub and next to a waterway park connector. In time to come, NHG’s Toa Payoh Polyclinic will be part of an integrated hub by SportSG. The estimated year of opening is probably around 2029 or 2030. Hence a lot of emphasis is now placed on siting our polyclinics appropriately.

5. With the completion and opening of Sembawang Polyclinic, Bukit Canberra Phase 2 is almost completed. Phase 1 saw the opening of the multipurpose hall and the hawker centre. For Phase 2, we have the swimming pool and gym, and now the Polyclinic. What is missing is the childcare centre, eldercare centre operated by SPD, bridge going across the road, and the therapeutic garden, which we hope will be completed by the middle of next year. Residents can then look forward to Phase 3, which is quite special, with the refurbishment of Admiralty House into a library. Next to the library will be another swimming pool, which is a special one built after World War II, which we are preserving and enlarging. With that, it will signal the final completion of Bukit Canberra development.

6. Co-locating polyclinics or healthcare facilities with community facilities is only just one aspect, which is the hardware aspect. What is more important is how the polyclinics work with the community in bringing better health for Sembawang, and for Singapore. There is tremendous opportunity for healthcare workers in the healthcare facilities to work with the community. None can work alone. The community can go around doing healthy activities, but it needs the help of medical and healthcare professionals. Likewise, a facility like this can do a lot of work like Family Nexus and other programmes, but it needs to link up with the community, in order to maximise its impact. Here are a few areas where I think we have the opportunity to work on. 


7. Our hawker centre here has done a lot to make their food not just delicious, but also healthy. Out of the 40 stalls here selling food, 28 are now using lower sodium salt. Drinks at the hawker centre are kosong (no sugar) by default. They did not listen to me when I said siew dai (less sugar) by default. They said “we can do better”, so they have kosong by default. 

8. Likewise here at the Polyclinic, there is a health and wellness studio where you will be organising healthy cooking workshops for residents, and leveraging the community gardens nearby and using fresh herbs and fresh vegetables. Between the hawker centre and you, there are opportunities to work together to promote healthy eating.

Physical Activity and Exercise 

9. At Bukit Canberra, there are many healthy activities you can engage in. For instance, you can take walks around the park when it is opened, do community gardening, swim, go to the largest indoor ActiveSG gym, and participate in group exercises every morning in front of the hawker centre. In fact, a whole range of group exercises have been scheduled throughout Sembawang and Woodlands Town, which make use of our parks, open spaces, courtyards, pavilions etc.

10. Likewise, in the Polyclinic, NHG has the ‘fitter life’ and ‘lighter life’ programme. As the name implies, it helps you to become fitter, and lighter if you are overweight. Again I think this can synergise with what the community offers. In NHG, there is a multi-disciplinary team that addresses nutrition, physical activities, and helps residents to overcome barriers to physical activities and lifestyle changes. Under this programme, about 60% of the participants from August 2021 to July 2022 achieved at least 5% weight loss or one BMI unit loss. That is quite an encouraging result. 30% achieved at least 150 minutes of weekly physical activity. You have a very well thought out programme designed in NHGP, and you have a lot of activities happening within Sembawang town, so do synergise your efforts.

Better manage social risk factors 

11. There will be an eldercare centre run by SPD. We also have Active Ageing Centres (AACs) nearby, such as Blossom Seeds and Touch Community, to support families and residents in need. They have been here for quite a number of years.

12. The polyclinic can in turn work with them to support the social needs of residents, especially social needs that will impact their health. Under the Family Nexus programme, Care Ambassadors from the Polyclinic try to understand the needs of families and offer appropriate interventions, such as offering postpartum care for mothers when they bring their child in for a vaccination appointment, or recommending suitable programmes provided in collaboration with our community partners. 

13. For example, “Families for Life”, driven by the Ministry of Social and Family Development, offers parenting programmes and a peer support platform for parents to connect, and exchange tips with each other on their parenting journey. Another ongoing project is a partnership with the National Library Board to connect families to its volunteer reading programmes for children under six years of age, to build literacy in their formative years. By 2025, another library will open a stone’s throw away, and we have another library in Sun Plaza. I think this is one of the few towns, perhaps the only town, with two national libraries built so close to each other. So do leverage those libraries to advance your programmes.

Active ageing

14. Under Age Well SG, we are ramping up activities at all our AACs in Sembawang GRC. We are also leveraging the Residents’ Network (RN) centres. Just in Sembawang Central alone, weekly activities are now organised at five locations, and we are expanding them across the GRC.

15. On the other hand, the Polyclinic will have Care Coaches who will identify senior patients who are living alone and at risk of social isolation, and you can encourage them to participate in these active ageing programmes. NHGP has been doing this under the RELATE programme. So far, nearly half of the patients after joining the RELATE programme have less frequent visits to the polyclinic, meaning they fall sick less frequently, and more than two thirds reduced their HbA1c levels, which is also very encouraging. 

Healthier SG

16. This is also an area where the Polyclinic and the community can work together. The Polyclinic will work closely with the GPs in this area to deliver preventive care for the residents. This will include regular vaccinations and health screening.

17. I am sure you are linked up already, and this is an area with great potential, with more and more Singaporeans and seniors enrolling in Healthier SG. The momentum is quite strong and expectations are quite high. We are improving our interventions. Early next year, we will be rolling out the CHAS Chronic Tier programme. With that, enrolled residents going to their GP clinic will be able to get their chronic medications at prices not very different from polyclinics.

18. Since we are on the topic of Healthier SG and health, let me do a bit of segue. There are recent reports on an infection surge in China, leading to hospitals in Beijing and Northern China becoming very crowded. This is a winter surge, which is not unexpected. Mostly kids are affected, with known infections such as RSV, influenza and Adenovirus. The spread is higher with more social interactions happening indoors during winter. 

19. Singapore went through this too when we first relaxed our COVID-19 measures. There was a bit of a rebound in infections once we opened up. China is also experiencing the same, which is not unexpected but of course in temperate climates, there tends to be a winter surge. In our case, it was almost immediately after DORSCON Green when we had a surge which is now tapering down. 

20. But this is also a useful juncture to remind ourselves that if we stop vaccinating, something similar may happen here when protection from previous vaccination wanes. Therefore it is important for us to keep up with our vaccination. Children are strongly encouraged to adhere to the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule, which is available at the polyclinics. For seniors and those who are medically vulnerable, take the COVID-19 vaccine at our JTVCs. The two nearest ones are at the former Woodlands Bus Interchange and former Yishun Bus Interchange. 

21. These days when you talk to a resident and tell him or her to take the COVID-19 vaccination at least once a year to keep their “antidote” up, so that if they are ever infected, their risk of severe illness and hospitalisation will be minimised. The reaction, which is quite common now, is that they worry about side effects. The side effects of vaccination are well established – a bit of ache in the arm or slight fever, but that is about it. 

22. But today, if residents are worried about severe side effects like stroke, cancer and heart attack and they associate this with vaccination, we have to correct this misperception. We have been very transparent about the side effects and risks of all vaccinations. In the case of COVID-19 vaccination, the risk of myocarditis, especially amongst younger males, is well established and we have been publishing the results. But even before COVID-19 and vaccination, every day, there are 60 Singaporeans who either suffer a heart attack or stroke, and six more Singaporeans require kidney dialysis. These are driven by lifestyles over many years – too much salt, too much sugar, lack of exercise and smoking – that accumulate. But when you have so many people suffering from stroke, heart attack and dialysis every day, after a while, they start associating and blaming it on vaccination.

23. When we take care of our personal health, we see a doctor who will diagnose our condition and prescribe medication for us. When we look at population health, there is no doctor telling the population what to do. But the population has to understand our own diagnosis. Our problem with chronic illness and rising incidence of cancer is due to our lifestyle over time, and exposing ourselves to risk factors. Vaccination helps to protect us against severe illness during infection that will come wave after wave. We cannot link the two. If we are really worried about heart attack, cancer and stroke, we should change our lifestyle in time, to live a healthier lifestyle. In the meantime, COVID-19 and different types of infections are still around, so do take our vaccination and protect ourselves against it.


24. Coming back to the Polyclinic, I want to thank the development team and all the staff. This project has been delayed because of COVID-19 and further complications with the development of the Bukit Canberra Community Hub.

25. The staff here have been mostly nested in Yishun and Woodlands Polyclinics. I thank you for your patience, and finally you have your own home. Rest assured that the community really looks forward to you working here and definitely welcome you and appreciate your work. We are all committed to serve our residents well and create health amongst our residents living in this area.

26. I emphasised a lot about polyclinics working with the community, and I think the spirit and intention are strong within NHG, and within this Polyclinic. Which is why I was quite cheered when you decided to paint the River of Life painting. You did not commission an artist, but you got your staff, management, residents and I to come together to create this mosaic. It represents a special River of Life, and I think we are on an unusual and very unique path towards better health. With this spirit, let us continue to create a healthier Singapore, and a healthier Sembawang.

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