Monday, April 30, 2018

OMEGA-3 Fish oil, Mood Disorders,

Deficits in omega-3 fatty acids have been identified as a contributing factor to mood disorders and offer a potential rational treatment approach.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Multivitamins and your health: A reappraisal (by Harvard Medical School)

Multivitamins and your health: A reappraisal

Published: March, 2008

Although physician-scientists and supplement manufacturers are often at odds, they don't spend much time sparring over multivitamins. 

In fact, many doctors recommend a daily multivitamin and practice what they preach, downing a pill each morning. 

In recent years, Harvard Men's Health Watch has also endorsed these popular supplements, reasoning that even if they don't help, they won't hurt.

My Weight 2018-04-28 1005 hr 61.7 kg BMI 22.390

My Weight
1005 hr
61.7 kg
BMI 22.390

My Weight 2018-04-28 1005 hr 61.7 kg BMI 22.390

My Weight
1005 hr
61.7 kg
BMI 22.390

Monday, April 16, 2018

My health supplements on 20180416

These are the health supplements I am taking before 2359 HR  of 20180416, Monday.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

影响我们一生的两百句名句 (2018-04-13)
