Friday, May 31, 2013

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (A good website for information sources of nutrition and health:)

On 2013-0531, I came across another good website for information sources of nutrition and health:

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (IJBNPA) is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal devoted to furthering the understanding of the behavioral aspects of diet and physical activity.

IJBNPA is unique in its focus on the behavioral aspects of diet and physical activity; its inclusion of multiple levels of analysis, including populations, groups and individuals; and its inclusion of epidemiology, and behavioral, theoretical and measurement research areas. Manuscripts that present theoretical innovations with respect to diet and physical activity behaviors are of particular interest.

Now I know Omega-3 fatty acids is also called ω−3 fatty acids or n−3 fatty acids or long-chain n-3 fatty acids.

Now I know Omega-3 fatty acids is also called ω−3 fatty acids or n−3 fatty acids or long-chain n-3 fatty acids. 

Omega-3 fatty acids (also called ω−3 fatty acids or n−3 fatty acids[1]) refers to a group of three fats called ALA (found in plant oils), EPA, and DHA (both commonly found in marine oils). Common sources of omega–3 EPA and DHA fatty acids include fish oils, algal oil, egg oil, squid oils, krill oil and some plant oilscontain the omega 3 ALA fatty acid such as flaxseed oil, Sacha Inchi oil, Echium oil, and hemp oil.

For more info, please visit

A very good information source for nutrition and health matters Especially its PubMed (Ref: TOCU - M2013E31)

National Center for Biotechnology Information

The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic iinformation.

To me this website is A very good information source for nutrition and health matters Especially its PubMed.

Relationships between dementia/Alzheimer's and homocysteine and vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid.

Elevated blood levels of homocysteine - a type of amino acid produced by your body - may increase your risk of developing Alzheimer's and vascular dementia.

Your body typically breaks down homocysteine using vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid.

If this is not happening, you may not be metabolising these vitamins well or lacking them in your diet.

Blood tests can determine whether you have elevated homocysteine levels.

The above info is from


Info source:

Homocysteine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in blood plasma. High levels of homocysteine in the blood are believed to increase the chance of heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and osteoporosis.

Megaloblastic anemia (What is) and vitamin B12 deficiency

Megaloblastic anemia is a disorder of abnormally large red blood cells. It is usually caused by deficiency of vitamin B12 or folic acid.

Megaloblastic anemia, a hallmark of vitamin B12 deficiency.
(Info from )

Vitamin B12 --- Good Information Sources [Ref: M2103E31]

Vitamin B12 — QuickFacts

For general information on vitamin B12:

o                                                      (1)  Office of Dietary Supplements Health Professional Fact Sheet on Vitamin B12
o                                                      (2)   Vitamins, MedlinePlus®

·                                 For more information on food sources of vitamin B12:

o                                                       (a)  U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) National Nutrient Database
o                                                        (b) Vitamin B12 Content of Selected Foods, USDA

·                                 For more advice on buying dietary supplements:

o                                                       (1)  Office of Dietary Supplements Frequently Asked Questions: Which brand(s) of dietary supplements should I purchase?

·                                 For information on the government's food guidance system:

o                                                        (1) MyPlate
o                                                        (2) Dietary Guidelines for Americans

Permanent nerve damage can occur if vitamin B12 deficiency is not treated.

According to 

Permanent nerve damage can occur if vitamin B12 deficiency is not treated. 

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Info source :

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency is characterized by megaloblastic anemia, fatigue, weakness, constipation, loss of appetite, and weight loss [1,3,27]. Neurological changes, such as numbness and tingling in the hands and feet, can also occur [5,28]. Additional symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include difficulty maintaining balance, depression, confusion, dementia, poor memory, and soreness of the mouth or tongue [29]. The neurological symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency can occur without anemia, so early diagnosis and intervention is important to avoid irreversible damage [6]. During infancy, signs of a vitamin B12 deficiency include failure to thrive, movement disorders, developmental delays, and megaloblastic anemia [30]. Many of these symptoms are general and can result from a variety of medical conditions other than vitamin B12 deficiency.

Large amounts of folic acid can hide a vitamin B12 deficiency

The following info is from:

Large amounts of folic acid can hide a vitamin B12 deficiency by correcting megaloblastic anemia, a hallmark of vitamin B12 deficiency. But folic acid does not correct the progressive damage to the nervous system that vitamin B12 deficiency also causes. For this reason, healthy adults should not get more than 1,000 mcg of folic acid a day.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Comparisons of Sources of iron from animal and plant sources

Info source:

 There are two primary types of iron: heme and non-heme. Heme iron is found in animal products, and comes directly from hemoglobin, the red blood cells in the animal. Heme iron is more readily absorbed than non-heme, which is found in plant products. Plants should still be an important part of the diet, because they provide numerous other health benefits and are laden with a number of essential minerals in addition to being sources of iron.

Animal sources of iron include red meat, especially liver, eggs, and seafood such as tuna, salmon, and oysters. White meat also carries some iron, but not nearly as much as lean red meat does. Humans should not rely entirely on red meat for their iron, but it should be considered a significant source. When animal sources of iron are eaten with green leafy vegetables, the body is better able to absorb the heme iron in the animal products, so a balanced, healthy plate of food is recommended.

Non-heme sources include many grains such as wheat and oats, along with lentils, beans, soy, leafy greens like spinach, broccoli, and mustard, and dried fruit. Oatmeal, whole wheat bread, and soy products such as tofu, tempeh, and soymilk are all excellent sources of iron. Many companies also supplement products like cereals and soy milks to increase the amount of iron that they contain.

Anemia is the most widespread nutritional deficiency in the world. By eating a balanced diet with plenty of sources of iron, most people can avoid anemia. Some individuals such as strict vegetarians may need to consider taking iron supplements as well, although they should be taken with caution as an excess of iron can have a negative impact on general health. By consulting a doctor about your diet and level of physical fitness, you can determine whether or not you are consuming enough iron.

Iron from vegetables, fruits, grains, and supplements is harder for the body to absorb.

Info source:

Iron from vegetables, fruits, grains, and supplements is harder for the body to absorb. These sources include:

    Dried fruits
        lima beans
        dried beans and peas
        kidney beans
        Brazil nuts
        dandelion greens
    Whole grains
        brown rice

If you mix some lean meat, fish, or poultry with beans or dark leafy greens at a meal, you can improve absorption of vegetable sources of iron up to three times. Foods rich in vitamin C also increase iron absorption.

Some foods reduce iron absorption. For example, commercial black or pekoe teas contain substances that bind to iron so it cannot be used by the body.

Phytic acid

Today (2013-05-30), for the first time I ca e across the term "Phytic acid". I need to learn on "Phytic acid"

Phytic acid (known as inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6), or phytate when in salt form), discovered in 1903,[1] is the principal storage form of phosphorus in many plant tissues, especially bran and seeds.[2] Phytate is not digestible to humans or nonruminant animals, so it is not a source of either inositol or phosphate if eaten directly. Moreover, phytic acid chelates and thus makes unabsorbable certain important minor minerals such as zinc and iron, and to a lesser extent, also macro minerals such as calcium and magnesium; phytin refers specifically to the calcium or magnesium salt form of phytic acid.

For more details, please visit

High levels of phytic acid in cereal grains and legumes may block zinc absorption

The following is from

 High levels of phytic acid in cereal grains and legumes may block zinc absorption if they are not properly prepared. This is why it is important to soak and/or ferment whole grains before eating them.

Why vegans are more likely than others to have trouble getting enough zinc?

The following info is adopted from:

Vegans do not eat meat, which is a good source of zinc. Also, the beans and grains vegan typically eat have compounds that keep zinc from being fully absorbed by the body.

Diet for Presbyopia 老花眼

Diet for Presbyopia 老花眼

Info source

Eat healthy foods. Try to eat plenty of fruits and leafy greens and other vegetables. These foods generally contain high levels of antioxidants as well as vitamin A and beta carotene. They're also vital to maintaining healthy vision.a

People who are more likely than others to have trouble getting enough zinc:

The following is extracted from


Certain  groups of people are more likely than others to have trouble getting enough zinc:

  • People who have had gastrointestinal surgery, such as weight loss surgery, or who havedigestive disorders, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. These conditions can both decrease the amount of zinc that the body absorbs and increase the amount lost in the urine.
  • Vegetarians because they do not eat meat, which is a good source of zinc. Also, the beans and grains they typically eat have compounds that keep zinc from being fully absorbed by the body. For this reason, vegetarians might need to eat as much as 50% more zinc than the recommended amounts.
  • Older infants who are breastfed because breast milk does not have enough zinc for infants over 6 months of age. Older infants who do not take formula should be given foods that have zinc such as pureed meats. Formula-fed infants get enough zinc from infant formula.
  • Alcoholics because alcoholic beverages decrease the amount of zinc that the body absorbs and increase the amount lost in the urine. Also, many alcoholics eat a limited amount and variety of food, so they may not get enough zinc.
  • People with sickle cell disease because they might need more zinc.

Why low-protein diets and vegetarian diets tend to be low in zinc.

The following is extracted from

High-protein foods contain high amounts of zinc. Beef, pork, and lamb contain more zinc than fish. The dark meat of a chicken has more zinc than the light meat.

Other good sources of zinc are nuts, whole grains, legumes, and yeast.

Fruits and vegetables are not good sources, because the zinc in plant proteins is not as available for use by the body as the zinc from animal proteins. Therefore, low-protein diets and vegetarian diets tend to be low in zinc.

Diet for presbyopia 老花眼

WHEAT GRAIN NATURE'S GLORY 1KG OG.(NA 8131P) --- Is a whole grain ???Most probably because it can sprout.

Info Source:

WHEAT GRAIN NATURE'S GLORY 1KG OG.(NA 8131P) --- Is a whole grain ???  Most probably because it can sprout.

Today (2013-05-30),  while trying to find out the wheat I normally bought locally is whole grain or not, I came across the following. I this wheat a whole grain? Most probably because it can sprout.


Product of Australia

Fresh wheatgrass is rich in vitamins A, C, calcium, iron and enzymes, and especially good for cancer patients with low enzymatic activities to re-stabilize the food. It helps normalize metabolism, for cleansing and rejuvenation.

Nature’s Glory wheat grain has one of the highest sprouting rate. 

Preparation :

Wash and soak wheat grain for 6 hours.

Drain water and cover in dark for about 1 day, until seeds start to root.

During this time, wash 2-3 times a day. Then, spread seeds evenly on a tray (about 3 cm depth of compost) and sprinkle water.

Cover with a moist paper towel and keep in a cool place for about 2 –3 days till sprouts appear.

Keep paper towel moist.

Place under indirect sunlight for about 7 days, watering once or 2x each day. Harvest as close to soil.

Juice about 30 ml to drink each time 2-3 times a day. Cut grass last 7 days refrigerated.

Storage : Keep in cool, dry place.

consumption of fresh fruit, vegetables and fish, rather than consumption of vitamin supplements, will be beneficial in helping to protect against airway disease

It may be that improving the diet, by increasing the consumption of fresh fruit, vegetables and fish, rather than consumption of vitamin supplements, will be beneficial in helping to protect against airway disease.

The above is extracted from the conclusion of

Healthy eating -- DASH " stands for "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension"

Info Source:

Research has shown that following a healthy eating plan can both reduce the risk of developing high blood pressure and lower an already elevated blood pressure.

For an overall eating plan, consider the DASH eating plan. "DASH" stands for "Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension," a clinical study that tested the effects of nutrients in food on blood pressure. Study results indicated that elevated blood pressures were reduced by an eating plan that emphasizes fruits, vegetables, and lowfat dairy foods and is low in saturated fat, total fat, and cholesterol. The DASH eating plan includes whole grains, poultry, fish, and nuts and has reduced amounts of fats, red meats, sweets, and sugared beverages.

A second clinical study, called "DASH-Sodium," looked at the effect of a reduced dietary sodium intake on blood pressure as people followed either the DASH eating plan or a typical American diet. Results showed that reducing dietary sodium lowered blood pressure for both the DASH eating plan and the typical American diet. The biggest blood pressure-lowering benefits were for those eating the DASH eating plan at the lowest sodium level (1,500 milligrams per day).

The DASH-Sodium study shows the importance of lowering sodium intake whatever your diet. But for a true winning combination, follow the DASH eating plan and lower your intake of salt and sodium.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Youtube Stress Fighting foods : The Happy Hour Effect Secrets - Stress Less Food

Stress Fighting foods : The Happy Hour Effect Secrets - Stress Less Food

You are what you eat!

Remember the saying, “You are what you eat.” If we eat unhealthy and less nutritious foods most of the time, our bodies will be harmed like a frog being hurt gradually in a slow cooking pot. We should find ways to feed our family with healthy and nutritious foods most of the time.

Top 10 Stress-Fighting Foods and 4 Foods to Avoid (From

Info source:

Top 10 Stress-Fighting Foods

1. Spinach contains magnesium, which helps improve your body’s response to stress and may prevent migraine headaches.
2. Asparagus is a good source of folic acid, which produces serotonin and helps stabilize mood.
3. Beef helps stabilize mood by supplying zinc, iron, and B vitamins.
4. Dairy products such as milk and cottage cheese provide protein and calcium.
5. Nuts and seeds are good stress-fighting snacks. In addition to containing vitamin B12, magnesium, and zinc, almonds also provide vitamin E, which, like vitamin C, fights stress-related free radicals that cause heart disease. Walnuts and pistachios are known to lower blood pressure. Sunflower seeds include folate, which helps produce dopamine, a pleasure-inducing brain chemical.
6. Fruits such as oranges and blueberries contain vitamin C, which fights cancer-causing free radicals. Blueberries also counteract the effect of hormones such as cortisol, and bananas provide potassium, which lowers blood pressure.
7. Fish containing omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, can boost serotonin levels and limit the production of anxiety hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.
8. Avocados are a good source of monounsaturated fat and potassium, which lower blood pressure.
9. Milk, including skim milk, is high in antioxidants and vitamins B2 and B12 and also provides protein and calcium, which can reduce muscle spasms and tension and soothe PMS.
10. Crispy rice cereal or corn flakes aren’t necessarily low in sugar; however, they offer B vitamins and folic acid, which reduce stress. Have a bowl of whole-grain cereal with milk for a stress-fighting breakfast.

4 Foods to Avoid
1. Caffeine, found in coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate, can cause anxiety and raise stress hormone levels.
2. Sugar causes spikes in blood glucose levels and increases insulin. This affects your adrenal glands, which regulate stress hormones and help the thyroid regulate body weight.
3. Trans fatty acids such as hydrogenated vegetable oil are found in many baked goods and can hinder the immune system and increase the risk of heart disease.
4. Alcohol puts more sugar in the body, and excessive consumption can damage the adrenal glands.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Weight (Loss) Management from 2007-05-28 to 2013-05-28 (weight loss by Calorie Restriction)

My Weight (Loss) Management from 2007-05-28 to 2013-05-28 (weight loss by Calorie Restriction)

2007-05-28 morning, my weight = 65.0 kg, BMI = 23.588
2007-06-28 morning, my weight = 61.0 kg, BMI = 22.136
2007-07-28 morning, my weight = 59.0 kg, BMI = 21.410
2007-08-28 morning, my weight = 58.7 kg, BMI = 21.302
2007-09-28 morning, my weight = 57.5 kg, BMI = 20.866
2007-10-28 morning, my weight = 57.5 kg, BMI = 20.866
2007-11-28 morning, my weight = 56.2 kg, BMI = 20.394
2007-12-28 morning, my weight = 55.5 kg, BMI = 20.140
2008-01-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886
2008-02-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886
2008-03-28 morning, my weight = 54.5 kg, BMI = 19.777
2008-04-28 morning, my weight = 54.4 kg, BMI = 19.741
2008-05-28 morning, my weight = 54.1 kg, BMI = 19.632
2008-06-28 morning, my weight = 54.6 kg, BMI = 19.814
2008-07-28 morning, my weight = 54.5 kg, BMI = 19.777
2008-08-28 morning, my weight = 54.3 kg, BMI = 19.705
2008-09-28 morning, my weight = 54.9 kg, BMI = 19.923
2008-10-28 morning, my weight = 55.3 kg, BMI = 20.068
2008-11-28 morning, my weight = 54.5 kg, BMI = 19.777
2008-12-28 morning, my weight = 55.6 kg, BMI = 20.177
2009-01-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886
2009-02-28 morning, my weight = 55.9 kg, BMI = 20.285
2009-03-28 morning, my weight = 54.8 kg, BMI = 19.886
2009-04-28 morning, my weight = 55.3 kg, BMI = 20.068
2009-05-28 morning, my weight = 55.4 kg, BMI = 20.104.
2009-06-28 morning, my weight = 55.2 kg, BMI = 20.031
2009-07-28 morning, my weight = 55.1 kg, BMI = 19.995
2009-08-28 morning, my weight = 55.2 kg, BMI = 20.031
2009-09-28 morning, my weight = 56.3 kg, BMI = 20.431
2009-10-28 morning, my weight = 55.8 kg, BMI = 20.249
2009-11-28 morning, my weight = 56.2 kg, BMI = 20.394
2009-12-28 morning, my weight = 56.1 kg, BMI = 20.358
2010-01-28 morning, my weight = 55.6 kg, BMI = 20.177
2010-02-28 morning, my weight = 56.5 kg, BMI = 20.503
2010-03-28 morning, my weight = 56.4 kg, BMI = 20.467
2010-04-28 morning, my weight = 55.7 kg, BMI = 20.213
2010-05-28 morning, my weight = 55.1 kg, BMI = 19.995
2010-06-28 morning, my weight = 56.4 kg, BMI = 20.467
2010-07-28 morning, my weight = 55.5 kg, BMI = 20.140
2010-08-28 morning, my weight = 55.8 kg, BMI = 20.249
2010-09-28 morning, my weight = 55.8 kg, BMI = 20.249
2010-10-28 morning, my weight = 55.4 kg, BMI = 20.104
2010-11-28 morning, my weight = 55.6 kg, BMI = 20.177
2010-12-28 morning, my weight = 55.5 kg, BMI = 20.140
2011-01-28 morning, my weight = 55.4 kg, BMI = 20.104
2011-02-28 morning, my weight = 56.5 kg, BMI = 20.503
2011-03-28 morning, my weight = 55.6 kg, BMI = 20.177
2011-04-28 morning, my weight = 55.7 kg, BMI = 20.213
2011-05-28 morning, my weight = 55.6 kg, BMI = 20.177
2011-06-28 morning, my weight = 56.3 kg, BMI = 20.431
2011-07-28 morning, my weight = 56.5 kg, BMI = 20.503
2011-08-28 morning, my weight = 56.9 kg, BMI = 20.649
2011-09-28 morning, my weight = 56.2 kg, BMI = 20.394
2011-10-28 morning, my weight = 56.8 kg, BMI = 20.613
2011-11-28 morning, my weight = 59.0 kg, BMI = 21.410
2011-12-28 morning, my weight = 60.3 kg, BMI = 21.882
2012-01-28 morning, my weight = 61.5 kg, BMI = 22.318
2012-02-28 morning, my weight = 62.7 kg, BMI = 22.753
2012-03-28 morning, my weight = 62.5 kg, BMI = 22.681
2012-04-28 morning, my weight = 61.3 kg, BMI = 22.246
2012-05-28 morning, my weight = 60.7 kg, BMI = 22.028
2012-06-28 morning, my weight = 60.6 kg, BMI = 21.992
2012-07-28 morning, my weight = 61.2 kg, BMI = 22.209
2012-08-28 morning, my weight = 60.8 kg, BMI = 22.064
2012-09-28 morning, my weight = 61.5 kg, BMI = 22.318 (Estimated Weight)
2012-10-28 morning, my weight = 62.3 kg, BMI = 22.608
2012-11-28 morning, my weight = 63.4 kg, BMI = 23.008***
2012-12-28 morning, my weight = 62.9 kg, BMI = 22.826
2013-01-28 morning, my weight = 63.0 kg, BMI = 22.863
2013-02-28 morning, my weight = 62.1 kg, BMI = 22.536
2013-03-28 morning, my weight = 61.5 kg, BMI = 22.318
2013-04-28 12.45 pm, my weight = 63.1 kg, BMI = 22.899 [See Note(MD28)]
2013-05-28 morning, my weight = 62.3 kg, BMI = 22.608

Note 1: On 2010-10-30, Tanita BC532 replaced watson Scale because the battery low too fast. 

Note 2:

JP weight on 28-6-2012 at 71.0 pm  60.1 kg + 500g = 60.6 kg
Bmi 21.99

JP weight on 28-07-2012 6.05 am
60.7 kg + 500 g = 61.2 kg
BMI 22.209

JP 2012-08-28 weight 7.15 am
60.3 kg + 500 g = 60.8 kg
BMI 22.064

2012-09-28 Estimated weight = 61.5 kg

2012-10-28 Sunday 7.00 am
61.8 kg + 500 g = 62.3 kg
BMI 22.6085

2012-11-28 Wednesday 6.55 am
62.9 kg + 500g = 63.4 kg
BMI 23.076

2012-12-28 6.39 am
62.4 kg + 500g = 62.9 kg
BMI 22.826

2013-01-28 Monday 5.30 am
62.5 kg + 500g = 63.00 kg
BMI 22.8625

2013-02-28 Thursday 6.10 am
61.6 kg + 500g = 62.1 kg
BMI 22.5359

2013-03-28 Thu 5.26 am
61.0 kg + 500g = 61.5 kg
BMI = 22.318

2013-05-28 Sun 5.26 am
61.8 kg + 500g = 62.3 kg

Note(MD28): Attended second sister’s birthday buffet dinner at 8.00 pm on 2013-04-27.
My Weight 2012-05-28, 7 am  weight = (Watson Scale ) 60.2 kg + 500 g

My weight on 2012-04-28, 7.06 am = (Watson Scale ) 60.8 kg + 500 g = 61.3 kg

Weight on 2012-03-28 7 am = (Watson Scale ) 62.00 kg + 500g = 62.5 kg

At 0730 hour of 2012-02-28. Watson Scale = 62.2 + 500g = 62.7 kg
(Tanita BC 532 Scale is out of order)

At 0730 hour of 2012-01-28. Watson Scale = 61.0 + 500g = 60.3 kg
(Tanita BC 532 Scale is out of order)

At 0730 hour of 2011-12-28. Watson Scale = 59.8 + 500g = 60.3 kg
(Tanita BC 532 Scale is out of order)

At 0730 hour of 2011-11-28. Watson Scale = 58.5+ 500g = 59.0kg
(Tanita BC 532 Scale is out of order)

At 0730 hour of 2011-10-28. Watson Scale = 56.3kg + 500g = 56.8 kg
(Tanita BC 532 Scale is out of order)

At 0530 hour of 2011-09-28. Watson Scale = 55.7 kg + 500g = 56.2 kg
(Tanita BC 532 Scale is out of order)

At 0530 hour of 2011-05-28. Watson Scale = 55.1kg + 500g = 55.6 kg
(Tanita BC 532 Scale is out of order)

At 0530 hour of 2011-04-28. Watson Scale = 55.2kg + 500g = 55.7 kg
(Tanita BC 532 Scale is out of order)

At 0730 hour of 2011-03-28. Watson Scale = 55.1kg + 500g = 55.6 kg
(Tanita BC 532 Scale is out of order)

At 0530 hour of 2011-02-28. Watson Scale = 56.0 kg + 500g = 56.5 kg
(Tanita BC 532 Scale is out of order)

At 0530 hour of 2011-01-28. Tanita BC 532 Scale = 55.5 kg

At 0700 hour of 2010-12-28. Tanita BC 532 Scale = 55.5 kg

At 0800 hour of 2010-11-28. Tanita BC 532 Scale = 55.6 kg

At 0530 hour of 2010-10-28. Watson Scale = 54.9 kg + 500g = 55.4 kg. Tanita Scale = not used

At 0530 hour of 2010-09-28. Watson Scale = 55.3 kg + 500g = 55.8kg. Tanita Scale = not used

At 0730 hour of 2010-08-28. Watson Scale = 55.3 kg + 500g = 55.8kg. Tanita Scale = not used

At 0530 hour of 2010-07-28. Watson Scale = 55.0 kg + 500g = 55.5kg
But Tanita Scale = not used

At 0530 hour of 2010-06-28. Watson Scale = 55.9 kg + 500g = 56.4 kg
But Tanita Scale = 56.2 kg .

At 0650 hour of 2010-04-28. Watson Scale = 55.2 kg and
Tanita Scale = 55.7 kg which is the same as Watson reading (in kg) + 500g.

At 0630 hour of 2010-05-28. Watson Scale = 54.6 kg + 500g = 55.1 kg

 At 0530 hour of 2010-06-28. Watson Scale = 55.8kg + 500g = 56.3 kg

At 0530 hour of 2010-07-28. Watson Scale = 56.0kg + 500g = 56.5 kg

At 0830 hour of 2010-08-28. Watson Scale = 56.4kg + 500g = 56.9 kg

Note: From 2010-02-01, Watson weighing scale had replaced Camry, which became faulty. In the past reading of Camry was about 500g more than that of Watson. To maintain consistency, so my weight =Watson reading (in kg) + 500g.

On 2010-03-28, at about 7.40 am, my weight by Camry = 55.9 kg + 500g = 56.4 kg. I also used Tanita BC-532 Body Composition Monitor to confirm that my weight was 56.4 kg.

My current BMI is within the healthy range of 18.5 to 22.9.

For me, the range of healthy weight is 50.9786 kg (BMI = 18.5) to 63.10324 kg (BMI = 22.9).

People with BMI values of 23 kg/m2 (or 25 kg/m2 according to some sources) and above have been found to be at risk of developing heart disease and diabetes.

To be healthy, I must have a healthy weight.

Be as lean as possible without being underweight, as recommended by World Cancer Prevention Foundation, United Kingdom.

Monday, May 27, 2013

We don't lose friends. We learn who our real ones are!

On 2013-05-27, I saw this message on Facebook "your switch to laughter".

We don't lose friends. We learn who our real ones are.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

Youtube: Music Shake:_The Traveling Knight ---------- Music for relaxation.

Youtube: Music Shake:_The Traveling Knight ---------- Music for relaxation.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

How canned sardine is made (in Tomato sauce or in oil)

How canned sardine is made (in Tomato sauce or in oil)


Why taking more fruits and vegetables and take less sodium is important for your healthy bone?

Info source:

In general, a bone healthy diet is consuming enough calories for adequate weight, and the optimal amounts of protein, calcium and vitamin D. Consuming the recommended number of servings of fruits and vegetables (2 ½ cups vegetables and 2 cups of fruit for a 2,000 calorie intake), and following the recommendation of no more than 1,500 milligrams (1.5 grams) of sodium per day also contribute to a bone healthy diet.

Sardine have high levels of both calcium and vitamin D

Info source:,,20365458_5,00.html


These tiny fish, often found in cans, have surprisingly high levels of both vitamin D and calcium. Though they may look a bit odd, they have a savory taste that can be delicious in pastas and salads.

Essential Fatty Acid -- Food sources and facts ( From

Info source:

Sources of essential fatty acids include:

oily fish like salmon, herring and mackerel
nuts like walnuts and almonds
dark green leafy vegetables
olive oil and flaxseed oil
whole grain foods
lean meats

Adding these products into a diet with other highly nutritional foods and exercise can ensure that you're giving your body the best possible combination of disease fighting, health-boosting nutrients it needs.

Essential Fatty Acid FACTS

Your Body Can't Live without Fat.
The human brain is 60% fat.
Fat maintains the integrity of the nervous system, your brain's "communication center" with the rest of your body.
Fat is needed by all the cells in your body: Nerve cells, eye cells, brain cells and even heart cells need fat to survive.
Your body needs fat in order to properly absorb and use crucial vitamins such as A, D, E, K and Beta-Carotene.
Fat boosts your immune system and acts as a shield to keep out harmful germs and microbes that can cause illness.

Every cell in your body is made of these specialized fats, and these cells need a continuous supply of these fatty acids in order to function at its peak. Since your body doesn't produce these acids naturally, it depends on you to.

"Sustain", th alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, etc

On 2013-05-25, I came across this website: via

About Sustain:

Sustain is The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, enrich society and culture and promote equity. We represent around 100 national public interest organisations at international, national, regional and local level.

For details, please visit

How food and food production are implicated in mental health (by Mental Health Foundation, UK)

Info source:

How food and food production are implicated in mental health

Most of the brain is derived directly from food. The last fifty years have witnessed remarkable alterations to what we eat, how we process and refine it, food additives, use of pesticides and the alteration of animal fats through intensive farming.

Changes to our diet in recent years mean that what we consume daily is very diff erent in its nutritional content from that of even our closest ancestors.

It has been estimated that the average person in the UK and other industrialised countries will eat more than
4 kilogrammes of additives every year. The impact of this situation is still controversial as Governments have
appeared reluctant to fund, conduct or publish rigorously controlled studies examining the eff ects of additives.

Changing methods of farming have also introduced higher levels and different types of fat into our diet.

For example, chickens now reach their slaughter weight twice as fast as they did thirty years ago, which has
changed the nutritional profile of the meat. Whereas a chicken carcass used to be 2% fat, it is now 22%.

Also, the diet fed to chickens has changed dramatically, which has reduced omega-3 fatty acids and increased omega-6 fatty acids in chicken meat. Similarly, the diet fed to farmed fi sh is changing the ratio of fatty acids in the fish we eat.

Info source:

The impact of food on mental health (by Mental Health Foundation, UK)

Please the pdf file at

Have good mental health by doing something or enjoy (From Mental Health Foundation, UK)

What do you love doing?

What activities can you lose yourself in? 

What did you love doing in the past?

Enjoying yourself helps beat stress. 

Doing an activity you enjoy probably means you’re good at it and achieving something boosts your self-esteem.

Concentrating on a hobby like gardening or the crossword can help you forget your worries for a while and change your mood.

“I’m learning the guitar. You have to really concentrate on getting it right so there’s no room in my head for worries.”

It can be good to have an interest where you’re not seen as someone’s mum or dad, partner or employee. You’re just you.  

An hour of sketching lets you express yourself creatively. A morning on the football pitch gets you active and gives you the chance to meet new people.

Info source:

Diet for good mood and good mental health (by Mental Health Foundation, UK)

There are strong links between what we eat and how we feel, for example, caffeine and sugar can have an immediate effect.

But food can also have a long-lasting effect on your mental health. Your brain needs a mix of nutrients to stay healthy and function well, just like the other organs in your body.

A diet that’s good for your physical health is also good for your mental health.

A healthy balanced diet includes:

(1) Lots of different types of fruit and vegetables
(2) Wholegrain cereals or bread
(3) Nuts and seeds
(4) Dairy products
(5) Oily fish
(6) Plenty of water

Eat at least 3 meals each day and drink plenty of water. Try to limit how many high-caffeine or sugary drinks you have, and avoid too much alcohol.

Please Note: The advice on this page may not apply if your doctor or dietician have given you specific dietary advice, e.g. if you are a kidney patient or a diabetic.

The above info is from:

Bob's Red Mill WHOLE WHEAT FARINA Hot Cereal (Whole Grain), 24 oz i.e.680 grams

On 2013-05-24, Friday (Vesak Day) , I bought a packet of  Bob's Red Mill WHOLE WHEAT FARINA Hot Cereal (Whole Grain), 24 oz i.e. 680 grams  at S$5.30 from Cold Storage, Centre Point.

This cereal is milled from whole kernels of hard red and soft white wheat. 

I would use this  whole grain cereal as an ingredient of my multigrain rice. 

Nutrition Facts
(From )

Serving Size: 1/4 Cup Dry (45 g)

Servings per Container: 15

Amount Per Serving

Calories 160 kcal

Calories from Fat 5kcak

Total Fat 1 g

Saturated Fat 0 g

Trans Fat 0 g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Sodium 1 mg

Total Carbohydrate 33 g

Dietary Fiber 4 g

Sugars 0 g

Thursday, May 23, 2013

8. Does diet play a role in colorectal cancer? By NIH (National Institute of Health)

Does diet play a role in colorectal cancer?

Diet may be associated with a risk of developing colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer occurs more frequently in populations that consume a diet high in fat, protein, calories, alcohol, and both red and white meat, and low in calcium and folate, than in populations that consume a low-fat, high-fiber diet. However, the link between diet and colorectal cancer is not firmly established.

Info source: 

Build better brain health through better food, fewer toxins, and reduced stress,

Build better brain health 

Healthy bodies give the brainthe energy and nutrition supplies it needs to be all it can be.An irritated brain retreats from the world. Through better food, fewer toxins, and reduced stress, your child’s healthier brain will give zest for new experiences.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Facebooks I am following

First created 2013-05-22
Last update: 2014-0513

Behavioural Neurotherapy Clinic, Melbourne, Australia
(for )


Paula Tazzyman - Dietitian
An experienced Accredited Practising Paediatric Dietitian APD AN Ma Nut & Diet (Uni of Sydney) specialising in supporting children with learning and behaviour issues, ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder.


Happy Hour Effect by  Kristen K. Brown

(4) (Ref: 2014-05-13)
 drcarolynee – finding the answers to health and happiness

Plant-based diet brings hope to Autism children (Video titled Autism Hope)

Plant-based diet brings hope to Autism children (Video titled Autism Hope)

The video includes an interview with Dr. Jacques Duff. BA - Psych.; Grad. Dip. App. Sc.(Psych.) PhD ; MAPS; FANSA; MECNS; MISN.

Dr Jacques Duff claims that many autism children lack of zinc, magnesium, vitamins B, C and D, and selenium and omega 3's. 

He emphasises, for autism and ADHD children, the importance of taking more fruits and vegetables, legume, pulses, eating less red meat and eat more fish and avoid refined carbohydrates. 

See also
Behavioural Neurotherapy Clinic, Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Martha Herbert’s six tips for helping people with autism and the importance of Fruits and Vegetables and Plant-based diet (Source: Book “The Autism Revolution”, by Dr. Martha Herbert and Karen Weintraub)

Dr. Martha Herbert’s six tips for helping people with autism (Source: Book “The Autism Revolution”, by Dr. Martha Herbert and Karen Weintraub).

Please visit

Tips 3, 4 and 5 emphasise on the importance of fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, berries. Eat a plant-based diet rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. Avoid pesticides by eating organic as much as possible.

3. Repair and support cells and cycles: Two key function of cells are to make energy and take out the trash. There’s genetic evidence that some or many people with autism have cells that don’t perform these functions well. Build up cell health by eating foods high in antioxidants (fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans, berries).

4. Promote healthier immune and digestive systems: Stick to high nutrient foods (lots of fruits and vegetables). Avoid simple sugars and starchy carbohydrates that feed unhealthy bugs in the gut. Support the “good bugs” with high-fibre foods, or naturally fermented foods. Immune-supportive supplements such as vitamin, D, vitamin A, zinc, curcumin and fish oil (omega-3 fatty acids) help calm down a lot of inflammation pathways. Avoid pesticides by eating organic as much as possible. Protect your child against infections with vaccinations.

5. Help the body mend the brain: Eat a plant-based diet rich in antioxidants, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. Avoid heavily processed food and excitotoxins (MSG, aspartame, hydrolyzed vegetable protein) which can drive the autistic brain to over excitation or overactivation.

Book " The Autism Revolution: Whole-Body Strategies for Making Life All It Can Be [Hardcover]"

Info source:

Book: The Autism Revolution: Whole-Body Strategies for Making Life All It Can Be [Hardcover]
By Martha Herbert (Author), Karen Weintraub (Author)

Book Description
Release date: March 20, 2012
Move beyond conventional thinking about autism. . . .

After years of treating patients and analyzing scientific data, prominent Harvard researcher and clinician Dr. Martha Herbert offers a revolutionary new view of autism and a transformative strategy for dealing with it. Autism is not a hardwired impairment programmed into a child’s genes and destined to remain fixed forever, as we’re often told. Instead, it is the result of a cascade of events, many seemingly minor: perhaps a genetic mutation, some toxic exposures, a stressful birth, a vitamin deficiency, and a series of infections. And while other doctors may dismiss your child’s physical symptoms—the diarrhea, anxiety, sensory overload, sleeplessness, immune challenges, and seizures—as coincidental or irrelevant, Dr. Herbert sees them as vital clues to what the underlying problems are, and how to help. In The Autism Revolution, she teaches you how to approach autism as a collection of problems that can be overcome—and talents that can be developed. Each success you achieve gives your child more room to become healthy and to thrive.

Drawing from the newest research, technologies, and insights, as well as inspiring case studies of both children and adults, Dr. Herbert guides you toward restoring health and resiliency in your loved one with autism. Her specific recommendations aim to provide optimal nutrition, reduce toxic exposures, shore up the immune system, reduce stress, and open the door to learning and creativity—all by understanding and truly meeting your child’s needs. As thousands of families who have cobbled together these solutions themselves already know, this program can have dramatic benefits—for your child with autism, and for you, your whole family, and your next baby as well.

A paradigm-changing book that offers hope and healing for the millions of families who have autism in their lives, The Autism Revolution shows that there’s plenty you can do every day to give someone you love the best possible gift: a life lived to the fullest potential.

Product Details

    Hardcover: 320 pages
    Publisher: Ballantine Books; 1 edition (March 20, 2012)
    Language: English
    ISBN-10: 0345527194
    ISBN-13: 978-0345527196
    Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 1.1 x 9.2 inches